-- Shows addresses of local variables decreasing
-- Shows addresses of heap elements increasing
-- Shows reuse of heap variable
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
with System.Address_Image;
with unchecked_deallocation;
procedure aliasedLocala is
    type IntPointer is access Integer;
    procedure dispose is new unchecked_deallocation(integer, name=>IntPointer );

    p: IntPointer;   -- Address of p: BFE4B620

    -- Local variables
    i: Integer;      -- Address of i: BFE4B61C
    j: Integer;      -- Address of j: BFE4B618
    k: Integer;      -- Address of k: BFE4B614

    -- Output:
    --      Address of p.all: 08081008
    --      Address of p.all: 08081018
    --      Address of p.all: 08081018

    put_line("Address of p: " & System.Address_Image(p'address));
    put_line("Address of i: " & System.Address_Image(i'address));
    put_line("Address of j: " & System.Address_Image(j'address));
    put_line("Address of k: " & System.Address_Image(k'address));

    p := new Integer; 
    put_line("Address of p.all: " & System.Address_Image(p.all'address));

    p := new Integer;
    put_line("Address of p.all: " & System.Address_Image(p.all'address));

    p := new Integer;
    put_line("Address of p.all: " & System.Address_Image(p.all'address));

end aliasedLocala;