-- Example for standard input and redirection -- Get with no file parameter reads from standard input -- By default standard input reads from the keyboard -- To cause standard input to come from a file, use redirection. -- To cause this program to read from somefile.txt, do this: -- Make sure that the data file ends with an integer or an eof error -- may be raised -- stdin < somefile.txt with ada.text_io; use ada.text_io; with ada.integer_text_io; use ada.integer_text_io; procedure stdin is n: Natural; s: Natural := 0; begin while not end_of_file loop get(n); put_line(n'img); s := s + n; end loop; put_line(s'img); end stdin; -- Contents of file somefile.txt: 3 4 5 -- Execution: stdin < somefile.txt -- Output: --| 3 --| 4 --| 5 --| 12