-- Demonstrates 
--      constrained arrays with a named array type
--      arrays as parameters - requires named array types

with ada.text_io; use ada.text_io;
with ada.integer_text_io; use ada.integer_text_io;

procedure array2 is
    type animal_array is array(-3 .. 3) of Natural;

    cat_count: animal_array := (-3 | -1 | 1 | 3 => 1, others => 0);
    dog_count: animal_array := (-2 |  0 | 2     => 1, others => 0);
    animal_count: animal_array;

    total_dogs, total_cats, total_animals: Natural := 0;

    procedure fill(ca, da, aa: out animal_array) is
        ca := (-3 | -1 | 1 | 3 => 1, others => 0);
        da := (-2 |  0 | 2     => 1, others => 0);

        for i in ca'range loop
            aa(i) := ca(i) + da(i);
        end loop;
    end fill;

    procedure total(ca, da, aa: in animal_array; tc, td, ta: out Natural) is
        tc := 0;
        td := 0;
        ta := 0;
        for i in cat_count'first .. cat_count'last loop  -- -3 .. 3
            tc := tc + ca(i);
        end loop;

        for i in dog_count'range loop                    -- -3 .. 3
            td := td + da(i);
        end loop;

        for a of aa loop
            ta := ta + a;
        end loop;
    end total;

    procedure print(tc, td, ta: Natural) is
        w: constant Natural := 5;
        put(tc, width => w);
        put(td, width => w);
        put(td, width => w);
    end print;

    fill(cat_count, dog_count, animal_count);
    total(cat_count, dog_count, animal_count, total_cats, total_dogs, total_animals);
    print(total_cats, total_dogs, total_animals);
end array2;

-- Output:
--|    4    3    3