Minerals Topics

Selected Virginia Minerals (Part 5)


• Red, earthy hematite occurs in thin beds in many places in the Valley and Ridge.

• Specular hematite (hematite with metallic steel gray luster) can be found in a few places in the Blue Ridge and Piedmont. 

• Hematite mines were active in the Valley and Ridge, Blue Ridge, and Piedmont in past years, especially in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Rose Hill Formation Hematite
Hematite in the Rose Hill Formation (Photograph by Stan Johnson)

MapHematite can be found in the Rose Hill Formation, a red sandstone found in the Valley and Ridge of Virginia.  This photograph of the Rose Hill Formation was taken in Highland County. 


Specular hematite
Specular Hematite (Photograph by Stan Johnson)


This sample of specular hematite was found in Alleghany County.