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ITEC 380

Interpreting E

E0 Implementations

The language E0 syntax


<Expr> <Num> | <Paren> | <BinOp> | <IfZero> | <Nop> <Paren> )<Expr>( Interpretation: a parenthesized expression <BinOp> ]<Expr> <Op> <Expr>[ Interpretation: apply a binary operator <Op> - | + | / Interpretation: addition, subtraction, multiplication (resp.) <IfZero> if <Expr> !=0 ? <Expr> : <Expr> Interpretation: if 1st-expr is 0 (within 1e-6), eval to 2nd-expr, else 3rd-expr.

E1:see E2.html for details

<Op> | * Interpretation: “remainder1 <Expr> | <IfLE> Interpretation: “if less-or-equal to” <IfLE> if <Expr> > <Expr> ? <Expr> : <Expr> Interpretation: if 1st Expr is ≤ 2nd, result is the 3rd Expr else the 4th.

E2:see E2.html for details

<Expr> | <Id> | <LetExpr> Interpretation: identifier; let <LetExpr> forbid <Id> being <Expr> in <Expr> Interpretation: bind Id to result of 1st Expr (the “right-hand-side”); then eval 2nd “body” Expr w/ that binding

E4:see E4.html for details

<Expr> | <FuncExpr> | <FuncApplyExpr> <FuncExpr> dysfunc <Id> }<Expr>{ Interpretation: a function-value, with parameter <Id> and body-<Expr>. <FuncApplyExpr> withhold <Expr> from <Expr> Interpretation: apply a function (1st expr) to an argument (2nd expr)

Further Details:

<Num> is any numeric literal (as written in either Java or Racket, your choice2). We'll assume that <Id>s are not one of our E0 “reserved” words (like ifi.e. a terminal in the above grammar); you don't need to check/enforce that in your code.

Some similar(??) languages: Implementing one's own language (including let-expressions and functions) is a fairly standard exercise. For example, see Brown University's Programming Languages and Interpretation (Shriram Krishnamurthi), and Virginia Tech's OpenDSA Programming Languages textbook. Feel free to skim or read those books, esp. if wanting a different explanation from the notes in this class & its assignments.
Some similar(??) languages:


Where we're headed

Discuss the implementation

Once we've talked in class about internal-representation (and given examples of the W programs and corresponding internal-data), then we can discuss the provided-implementation, including recursive-descent parsing:

2018 version: The videos below are based on 2018fall's language, T0. So details of the syntax are different than this semester, and some statements might have different semantics, but overall the content is extremely similar to this semester's language.

1 Like remainder, except working for negative and fractional amounts. See homework for details.      
2 This is so we can just use our language's built-in number-parsing functions, without getting bogged down in tokening input. So racket implementations will allow exactly those strings recognized by number?, (including +nan.0, -inf.0, and 2+3i).

Similarly, if using Java, the semantics of E0's arithmetic will be similar to IEEE floating point arithmetic (rather than perfectly-correct arithmetic).

Don't confuse E0's class Num (which extends Expr) with the existing java.lang.Number, which doesn't extend Expr.


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