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ITEC 380

homelecturesrecipeexamshwsD2Lbreeze (snow day; distance)

grammar questions

  1. For the following grammar, give the indicated parse trees and derivations.
    conjugating verbs (background):

    In natural languages, verbs are often conjugated. For example, when using the verb run, one says I run, but she runs. In English, most verbs just add that s at the end of he/she/it cases (third person singular). But some verbs are irregular, like to be: One says have I am, but you are and she is.

    In Spanish, it's similar: for the verb programar, one says yo programo (I program), but tù programas (you program) and nosotros programos (we program). Similarly, the Spanish verb ser (to be) is irregular: yo soy (I am) but tù eres (you are) and ella es (she is).

    What follows is a simplistic grammar to capture conjugation of (a few) verbs, in Spanish. You don't need to know Spanish (or the notion of 'conjugating verbs') to understand/use the grammar, in the same way a computer can follow these grammar-instructions without actual understanding of Spanish.

    ConjVerb ::= ConjVerbReg | ConjVerbIrreg                       rules 1a,1b
    ConjVerbReg ::= yo SPACE RegVerbStem o                          rule 2a 
                    |SPACE RegVerbStem as                         rule 2b 
                    | ThirdPersonSingular SPACE RegVerbStem as     rule 2c 
                    | nosotros SPACE RegVerbStem amos                 rule 2d 
                    | vosotros SPACE RegVerbStem áis                  rule 2e 
                    | ThirdPersonPlural SPACE RegVerbStem an       rule 2f 
    RegVerbStem ::= program | aclar | practic | pregunt | purific     rules 3a–3e 
    ThirdPersonSingular ::= él | ella | usted                        rules 4a–c
    ThirdPersonPlural ::= ellos | ellas | ustedes                    rules 5a–5c 
    ConjVerbIrreg ::= ConjEstar | ConjSaber                        rules 6a,6b 
    ConjEstar ::= yo SPACE estoy                                     rule 7a 
                 |SPACE estàs                                      rule 7b 
                 | ThirdPersonSingular SPACE está                  rule 7c 
                 | nosotros SPACE estamos                              rule 7d 
                 | vosotros SPACE estáis                               rule 7e 
                 | ThirdPersonPlural SPACE están                    rule 7f 
    ConjSaber ::= yo SPACErule 8a 
                  |SPACE sabes                                     rule 8b 
                  | ThirdPersonSingular SPACE sabe                  rule 8c 
                  | nosotros SPACE sabemos                             rule 8d 
                  | vosotros SPACE sabéis                              rule 8e 
                  | ThirdPersonPlural SPACE saben                   rule 8f 
    SPACE ::=  that is, a space-character                                  rule 9 
    This grammar is explicit about when a space-character is to be included (written “”), something we ignored in the lecture-examples.

    Give a parse tree for the following strings, starting from the nonterminal ConjVerb. For one of them, also give a leftmost derivation, citing which rule you use in each step.

    1. “yoprogramo” “I program”
    2. “ellospractican” “they (dudes) practice”
    3. “ustedestá” “you are” — formal singular, and used with a passing quality, as in “you are hungry”

  2. In lecture, we saw worked on a grammar for Java variable-declarations (simplified to omit privacy-modifiers), assuming we already have rules for the nonterminals IdJava, TypeJava, and ExprJava:

    VarDeclJava ::= TypeJava IdJava; 
                 | TypeJava IdJava = ExprJava;

    Using that grammar, give a parse tree and/or leftmost derivation for the following.
    (You should have a tree containing “⋮” to represent the nodes between (say) Expr and the expression derived from that nonterminal, since w/o further rules we don't know exactly how that gets filled in.)

    1. int n;
    2. int n = 5+k;
    3. Puppy bud = new Puppy( n, "arf", Math.sqrt(4.7) );
    (All three trees are fairly small and short.)

  3. In racket, we can use define to create and initialize an identifier.
    1. Give the racket-code of the Java-statements 1b,1c above.
      (Note that 1a does not have a racket-equivalent: in racket, we can't declare an identifier without giving it a value.)
    2. Give a grammar rule for VarDeclracket, similar to what we had in Java, similarly assuming we already have rules for the nonterminals Idracket and Exprracket.

      Note that we're currently only handling define-for-identifiers, not define-for-functions (See #7 below.)

    3. Now give parse-trees for the two expressions from part (a).
  4. List: 0-or-more-statements
    1. Make two examples of 0-or-more-Java-statements.
      (Hint: what are our favorite numbers in computer science, and how do they relate to writing test-cases?)
    2. Give a grammar for 0-or-more-Java-statements, assuming we already have rules for the nonterminal Stmtjava.
    3. Use your grammar to give the parse trees for your two examples in part (a).
  5. List: parameter-lists
    1. Make three examples of parameter-lists in java (the stuff that occurs between “(” and “)” when you're defining a method).
      (Hint: what are our favorite numbers in computer science, and how do they relate to writing test-cases?)
    2. Give a grammar for parameter-lists in Java.
    3. Use your grammar to give the parse trees for your two examples in part (a).
  6. Let's consider Java method-declarations (simplified to leave of privacy-modifiers):
    1. Give three examples of Java method-declarations.
      (Hint: what are our favorite numbers in computer science, and how do they relate to writing test-cases?)
    2. Now that we have a couple of examples of what we want to be able to generate, give a grammar for Java method-declarations (simplified to leave of privacy-modifiers), assuming we already have rules for the nonterminals Exprracket.
  7. Give a grammar for function-definition, in racket.

    (Of course: Make other non-terminals as needed, and start with a couple of examples (as part (a) in previous problems), and end with using your grammar to give parse-trees for your examples (as part (c) in previous problems).
    If you feel these steps are hauntingly similar the design-recipe — making examples of the data, and then running our code on the test-cases — that is no coincidence; it's because the design-recipe is a general problem-solving technique applicable to most problem-solving situations.)

1 Note that in real Spanish, “usted” is not a 3rd-person pronoun, but rather a 2nd-person pronoun (singular-formal) that conjugates just like the 3rd-person pronouns. Similarly with the plural “ustedes”.      

homelecturesrecipeexamshwsD2Lbreeze (snow day; distance)

©2015, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2016.Jun.15 (Wed)
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