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homelecturesrecipeexamshwsD2Lbreeze (snow day; distance)

Q5: Adding environments
prolog lists

Due Dec.11 (Fri) at the start of class. I will accept it on D2L up to Dec.12 23:59, with hard copy under my door by Monday afternoon. For section 11, due Dec.14 (Mon) 18:45.
Submit: a hardcopy with the additional tests for Q6 (since Q4), and the additional/changed function(s) for Q5/Q6 (since Q4). Submit all files on D2L.
Since Q6 is an extension Q5, if you turn in Q6 you don't need to turn in Q5 separately.

We continue to build on the Q language implementation from previous homeworks (Q2 specs, solution (.java,.rkt) Q4 specs, solution available 2015.Dec.09 0:01 (.rkt).) You may implement this homework in either Java or Racket (or another language, if you clear it with me). Label each section of lines you change with a comment “;>>>Q5”. You don't need to turn in any hardcopy of unchanged-code (but submit a fully-working copy in the drop-box).

  1. (10pts) Prolog list

    Write the following Prolog predicates. Do not use append.

    1. (3pts) last(List, Item), which succeeds exactly when Item is the last item in List. This rule should fail if List is empty, of course. (This happens to be the book's Chpt.16, programming exercise #6.)
    2. (2pts) nextToLast(List, Item) which succeeds exactly when Item is the next-to-last item in List. (This rule should fail if List has fewer than two items, of course.)
    3. (2pts) lastTwoReversed(List, ListOf2) which succeeds exactly when ListOf2 contains the last and the second-to-last item of List (in that order).
    4. (3pts) reverseLastTwo(List, NewList) succeeds exactly when NewList is like List except that the last two items have been reversed. (This rule will fail if List has fewer than two items.)
    All of the predicates fail if the first argument is not a list. Some examples (test cases) are provided, below.

    Note that xsb Prolog contains several list functions which you are NOT to use for this assignment (e.g. append and reverse). Also, for full credit, don't merely reverse the input list and operate on that result.

    As ever, your program should follow good style, including appropriate white space, meaningful variable names, and as well as a header comment with your name, the name of the assignment, etc.. (You can have comments describing how a predicate works if you want; however, you can also assume your program is being read by somebody who understands the fundamentals of Prolog.)

  2. Q5 (10pts: This problem and the next are really the crux of the project.)
    Deferred evaluation: Q5 doesn't add any new syntax, but it is a different evaluation model which will give us more expressive semantics. Use a new file/project for Q5, separate from Q0-Q4.

    There are two problems1 with the substitution approach used above: we can't make recursive functions, and it doesn't generalize to assigning to variables. We solve these problems with deferred substitution:

    Your test cases should include a recursive function, as well as the example below. Also, since eval now takes an extra argument, that suggests three to four check-expects with various environments (lists of bindings):

    A step sideways: This algorithm as described lets us add recursive functions, but it also doesn't handle some expressions that Q4 did! For example, say make-adder be (m) -> { (n) -> {(n add m)}} in <<make-adder@3> @ 4> matey gives an error "unbound identifier: m" if no substitution has been done, The problem will be fixed in Q6: in the first example, <make-adder @ 3> returns a function whose body involves m and n, but not the binding of m to 3. (To get this approach to work we'd need to return the function and its bindings; however, Q6's static scoping is even better.)

    Note that this gives us dynamic scoping (which we'll mention in class):

    say m be 100 
    in say addM be (x) -> {(x add m)}
       in  (say m be 5 in <addM @ 3> matey
            say m be 4 in <addM @ 3> matey )
    evaluates to 15, not 206.

  3. (extra-credit — 15pts total) Q6: Implement static scope. Be sure to make a copy of your Q5 project files before starting Q6. You shouldn't need any additional test cases for Q6; the tests for Q0-Q5 should suffice, although any Q5 examples depending on dynamic binding should now have a new expected-result.
  4. Further extra-credit options (of varying difficulty):
  5. Extra credit (5pts)6 (Scope)
    The racket form set! changes the binding of a variable:

    (define x 5)
    (set! x (* 2 x))
    ; the variable x is now bound to 10.

     1. (define a 10)
     2. (define b 20)
     3. (define make-foo
     4.   (let {[b 30]}
     5.      (lambda ()            ; ← make-foo is bound to this function.
     6.         (let {[c 40]}
     7.            (lambda (cmd)   ; ← make-foo returns this function as its answer.
     8.              (let {[d 50]}
     9.                (cond [(symbol=? cmd 'incA) (set! a (+ a 1))]
    10.                      [(symbol=? cmd 'incB) (set! b (+ b 1))]
    11.                      [(symbol=? cmd 'incC) (set! c (+ c 1))]
    12.                      [(symbol=? cmd 'incD) (set! d (+ d 1))]
    13.                      [(symbol=? cmd 'get-all) (list a b c d)])))))))

    1. The scope of the a declared in line 1 is lines      through     .

    2. The scope of the b declared in line 2 is lines      through     .

    3. The scope of the b declared in line 4 is lines      through     .

    4. The scope of the c declared in line 6 is lines      through     .

    5. The scope of the d declared in line 8 is lines      through     .
    Suppose that make-foo is called exactly three times (but that a function returned by make-foo is not called).

    1. How many variables named a are created?     

    2. How many variables named b are created?                                                                                                                                                                                             

    3. How many variables named c are created?     

    4. How many variables named d are created?                                                                                                               
    (Hint: Each of the above four answers are different.)
    (set! a 500)
    (set! b 600)
    (define counter1 (make-foo))
    (define counter2 (make-foo))
    (define counter3 (make-foo))
    (counter1 'get-all)  ; >>> TODO:   (list                    )
    (counter1 'incA)
    (counter1 'incB)
    (counter1 'incC)
    (counter1 'incD)
    (counter1 'get-all)  ; >>> TODO:   (list                    )
    (counter2 'get-all)  ; >>> TODO:   (list                    )

Here are some examples of the list predicates, for the prolog list questions:

last([1,2,3], 3).

last([1,2,3], 4).

last([1,2,3], Y).

last([], Y).

last(Y, 3).

nextToLast([1,2,3], 2).

nextToLast([1,2,3], 3).

nextToLast([1,2,3], Y).

nextToLast([1], Y).

nextToLast(Y, 3).
Y=[3, _h114],         % does not have to be 114, 'course.
Y=[_h116, 3, _h114].

lastTwoReversed([1,2,3], Y).

lastTwoReversed([1], Y).

reverseLastTwo([1,2,3,4], Y).

reverseLastTwo([1,2], Y).

reverseLastTwo([1], Y).

1 A third issue, pointed out in Programming Languages and Interpretation, is that evaluating deeply nested lets is an O(n2) algorithm.      

2 Note that the list/map you recur with has the additional binding, but that recursive call shouldn't add/modify the list/map used at the top level. Since java.util.Map is inherently mutable, you'll want to make a new copy of that map before recurring.      

3You'll have to use the keyword #:mutable when you define-struct that structure, to get the setter.      

4 You can think about which implementation you prefer, when using a language: when seeing the program's internal representation of your code (when debugging, or seeing the compiled result of your code).      

5 Be default, scheme structs are non-mutable; to make them mutable, you have to provide the keyword #:mutable to define-struct.      

6We will talk about this in lecture (let-over-lambda, to implement O.O.), but only briefly.      

homelecturesrecipeexamshwsD2Lbreeze (snow day; distance)

©2015, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2015.Dec.14 (Mon)
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