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sorting in prolog
and quicksort in several langauges

Sorting in Prolog

    %% From the end of lecture yesterday, here is the solution:
    /*  [+,+,-]   
      remove(Itm,L,L1): L1 = L, but L1 has one copy of Itm removed.
        (Note that Itm *must* occur in L, to satisfy this.)
    remove(F,[G|L1],[G|L2]) :- remove(F,L1,L2).
    % Sorting:
    % We'll just provide the 'spec' for sorting:
    % L2 is a sorted version of L1 if:
    %  - L1 is a permutation (re-arrangement) of L2, and
    %  - L2 is in ascending order (er, non-decreasing).
    scrapSort(L1,L2) :- permutation(L1,L2), nondecreasing(L2).
    % Here're the helper functions:
    nondecreasing([F,S|R]) :- F=<S, nondecreasing([S|R]).
    /* permutation(L1,L2): L2 is a permutation of L1 */
    permutation(X,[F|R]) :- remove(F,X,Z), permutation(Z,R).
    % `permutation` is actually kinda tricky to come up with.
    % A couple of false-starts (and explanations) are at:
    % Reflecting on scrapSort:
    %   Consider the *order* of solutions when we try:
    %   permutation([3,4,5],X).
    %   permutation([5,4,3],X).
    % How *many* permutations does scrapSort([3,4,5],X) look at?
    % How about scrapSort([5,4,3],X) ?
    % Now, consider this problem amplified:
    %     scrapSort([8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1],X).  runs okay. But
    % But scrapSort([10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1],X).  takes a moment (~2.5s).
    %     scrapSort([11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1],X).  takes too long (~27s).
    % The name "scrapSort" was chosen because its performance
    % is a piece of scrap: O(n!).
    % Ironically, 'quicksort' is more straightforward than 'scrapsort',
    % even though we specify *how* to sort rather than *what sorted means*.
    qsort([F|R],L2) :- partition([F|R],F,Sm,Eq,Bg), 
    /* [+,+,-,-,-]
       partition(Lst,Pivot,Smalls,Equals,Larges) :
       partition Lst into those elements that are smaller, equal-to, and larger than Pivot.
    partition([F|R],Pivot,Smallers,Equals,Biggers) :- 
      Smallers = [F|SmallerRest],
    partition([F|R],Pivot,Smallers,Equals,Biggers) :- 
      Equals = [F|EqualRest],
    partition([F|R],Pivot,Smallers,Equals,Biggers) :- 
      Biggers = [F|BiggerRest],
    /* N.B. You can remove the '=' terms from the above lines,
       reducing the code by 4 lines.  Left in for clarity (?).
    % Note that we partition into *three* sections,
    % so that we always *reduce* the size of a partition
    % (even if our pivot is the maximum value).
    % Study the sol'n above, to see how the Prolog
    % makes sure we always recur on smaller lists (even
    % when the pivot is the maximum (or minimum) value.
    /* appendThree(L1,L2,L3,All) : All is the elements of L1 appended to L2 appended to L3. */
    appendThree(L1,L2,L3,All) :- append(L1,L2,L1and2), append(L1and2,L3,All).
    /* The following is the same as the append/3 included with [basics]. */
    append([F|R],L2,[F|AllRest]) :- append(R,L2,AllRest).

Quicksort in…


(define (qsort1 nums)
  (cond [(empty? nums) empty]
         (define pivot  (first nums))
         (define smalls (filter ((curry >) pivot) nums))
         (define equals (filter ((curry =) pivot) nums))
         (define bigs   (filter ((curry <) pivot) nums))
         (append (qsort1 smalls) equals (qsort1 bigs))]))
Remember, ((curry >) 3) = (λ (x) (> 3 x)).

Are you bothered by the repeated code, with the three nearly-identical calls to filter/curry? They can indeed be abstracted out, mapping over (list > = <):

  (define (qsort2 nums)
  (cond [(empty? nums) empty]
         (match-define (list smalls equals bigs)
                       (map (λ (op) (filter ((curry op) (first nums)) nums))
                            (list > = <)))
         (append (qsort2 smalls) equals (qsort2 bigs))]))
This isn't particularly clearer/simpler though. The complete source code even has an example that doesn't name the three sub-lists, but it's still not likely that its increased abstraction would ever pay off, since you're unlikely to write a more general version (e.g. partitioning 19 ways).

Complete code: lect40a-quicksort.rkt (including a single-pass partition which is tail-recursive, though not in-place).


quicksort []     = []
quicksort (p:xs) = (quicksort smalls) ++ equals ++ (quicksort bigs)
        smalls  = filter (< p) xs
        equals  = p : filter (= p) xs
        bigs    = filter (> p) xs
Note that Haskell took Prolog's pattern-matching (and with it, the “multiple clause” approach to defining a function). Also, in Haskell, every function is curried: that is, every function takes one argument and returns something (either the answer, or another function waiting to take in the remaining arguments). This makes filter, map, and fold especially handy.

This can be shortened by using Haskell's “list comprehensions”: Just like mathematicans write “{ x² | x ∈ N, x<17 }”, Haskell adopted that time-proven notation (combining filter and (not illustrated here) map). Quicksort then becomes (practically) a one-liner!:

qsort [] = []
qsort (p:xs) = qsort [x | x<-xs, x<p]  ++  [x | x<-xs, x=p]  ++  qsort [x | x<-xs, x>=p]


Traditional quicksorts are in-place (unlike all the functional versions above). In fact, quicksort's has a ~2x advantage over mergesort, due to it being in-place. So the functional versions are slower, but they are (a) easier to code, (b) easier to debug, and (c) help illustrate the pith of how quicksort works. The following Java and C versions are fast, but their code is remarkably fragile: places where you might think you could exchange < with <= actually often lead to infinite loops for some inputs. (In particular: is it clear you never recur on a partition of the same size?)
public class Quicksort  {
  private double[] numbers;  // Make a field, so we don't have to pass it around each recursive call.

  public static void sort(double[] values) {
    if (!(values==null || values.length==0)) {
      new Quicksort( values ).quicksort(0, values.length-1);

  /* Modify this.numbers so that is sorted for indices in [low,high]. 
  private void quicksort(int low, int high) {
    int i = low, j = high;
    double pivot = this.numbers[low];

    // Partition into two lists:
    // On the left, everything less than the pivot, and 
    // on the right, everything more than the pivot.
    // Wherever i,j meet is the partition.
    while (i <= j) {
      // Advance i to the first number that isn't less than the pivot.
      // (This is a number that *shouldn't* be on the left.)
      while (numbers[i] < pivot) { ++i; }
      // Likewise, decrease the right edge.
      while (numbers[j] > pivot) { --j; }

      // If we have found a value in the left list which is larger then
      // the pivot element, and we have found a value in the right list
      // which is smaller then the pivot element, then we exchange the values.
      // Then advance over those now-correctly-placed values, and continue.
      if (i <= j) {
        swapAt(i, j);
    // Now, recur, and we'll be done (since we're in-place, no need to append results):
    if (low < j)  quicksort(low, j);
    if (i < high) quicksort(i, high);

  private void swapAt(int i, int j) {
    double temp = numbers[i];
    numbers[i] = numbers[j];
    numbers[j] = temp;

Complete code:


// To sort array a[] of size n: qsort(a,0,n-1)

void qsort(int a[], int lo, int hi) 
  int h, l, p, t;

  if (lo < hi) {
    l = lo;
    h = hi;
    p = a[hi];

    do {
      while ((l < h) && (a[l] <= p)) 
          l = l+1;
      while ((h > l) && (a[h] >= p))
          h = h-1;
      if (l < h) {
          t = a[l];
          a[l] = a[h];
          a[h] = t;
    } while (l < h);

    a[hi] = a[l];
    a[l] = p;

    qsort( a, lo, l-1 );
    qsort( a, l+1, hi );
/* From */

homelecturesrecipeexamshwsD2Lbreeze (snow day)

©2013, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2013.Dec.02 (Mon)
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