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homelecturesrecipeexamshwsD2Lbreeze (snow day)

Interpreting O

These test cases are due Nov.11 (Mon) 23:59.
The full O1,O2 (both racket and Java, plus any add'l tests) due Nov.13 (Wed) 23:59.

Over the course of several homeworks, we'll implement a “tower” of languages (O0, O1, …, O6) each language incorporating more features than the previous. O0 is provided for you. You'll implement O1 in both Racket and Java; after that you choose which of the two languages you'll use to complete O2, …, O6.

The language O0

  Expr      ::= Num | ParenExpr | BinExpr | Is0Expr
  ParenExpr ::= ( Expr ) 
  BinExpr   ::= ( Expr BinOp Expr )
  Is0Expr   ::= if Expr is0 then Expr else Expr ;
  BinOp     ::= add | sub | mul 
where Num is any numeric literal (as written in either Java or Racket, your choice1) and Var is string with no whitespace or punctuation (parentheses, “;”) and is not otherwise a reserved word in O0 (i.e. a terminal in the above grammar -- “if”, “plus”, “is0”, etc.). Whitespace is required between all terminals/non-terminals, with the exception of punctuation.

Here is a Racket interpreter for O0 along with helper functions for a scanner for racket and an optional test harness.
Here is a java interpreter for O0 (O0-java.jar or browse); it includes unit tests, and helpful Java parsing functions.

  1. (15pts) Implement O1 in both racket, and Java. O1 is just like O0, but with two additional types of expressions:

    Expr ::=  | IsNegExpr
    IsNegExpr ::= if Expr isNeg then Expr else Expr ;
    BinOp ::=  | mod
    Update parse, toString (a.k.a. expr->string), and eval appropriately, for both the racket and Java implementations. Be sure to write test cases first.

    The only method which cares what these new expressions mean (their semantics) is eval: if Expr0 isNeg then Expr1 else Expr2; first evaluates just Expr0; if that value is negative, then it evaluates Expr1 and returns its value; otherwise it evaluates Expr2 and returns its value. (Note how you are implementing short-circuit semantics for isNegExpr!)

    (a mod b) should evaluate to2 a mod b, where the result is always between 0 (inclusive) and b (exclusive); in particular, the result is never positive if b<0. Notice that this is slightly different behavior than either Java's built-in % (which behaves differently on negative numbers), and from Racket's built-in modulo (which only accepts integers). In Java, you can use a%b (if b>0 a and b have the same sign3 or a%b=0), and a%b+b (otherwise). In racket or Java, you can use b*(a/b-floor(a/b)).

    Note that you are provided sufficient test cases for modExprs, except that you have to translate it proper O0. You must make your own test cases for ifNegExprs; include at least two as-simple-as-possible tests, and two tests with more deeply nested Exprs.

    Complete two versions of O1: both racket, and java. (For O2 and beyond, you can choose which implementation to continue.)

  2. (25pts) Implement O2 in either racket, and Java (your choice). O2 adds identifiers to O1:

    Expr ::=  | Id | LetExpr
    LetExpr ::= let Id := Expr in Expr end;  // orange updates are as chosen Monday, as a class.4
    where Id can be any series of letters and digits which isn't interpretable as a number5. (Assume for now that any nested let expressions use different Ids. We'll handle that possibility in O3, later.)

    Update your three methods parse, toString (a.k.a. expr->string), eval. We now need to define the semantics of let Id := (E0) in E1 end;:

    Observe that when evaluating a (legal) O2 program, eval will never actually encounter an Id -- that Id will have been substituted out before we ever recur down to it.

    The code to make a substitution in an Expr parse-tree is similar to taking an Ancestor-tree, and replacing every blue-eyed Child with a brown-eyed one. (The only difference is that an AncTree had only two cond-branches, while Expr has around seven, though the code for most of those are very similar). For example: let x = 5 in (x plus 3)(5 plus 3)88. Be sure to write test cases for your substitution function before you write its code; include several trivial and easy tests, along with a couple of more complicated nestings and one deeply nested expression.

    You can choose implement O2 in either in Racket, or in Java.

In future homeworks, we will add shadowing variables (O3), functions and function-application (O4), allow recursion and mutation (O5, O6).


This is so we can just use our language's built-in number-parsing functions, without getting bogged down in tokening input. So racket implementations will allow exactly those strings recognized by number?, (including +nan.0, -inf.0, and 2+3i).

Similarly, if using Java, the semantics of O0's arithmetic will be similar to IEEE floating point arithmetic (rather than perfectly-correct arithmetic).

Don't confuse O0's class Num (which extends Expr) with the existing java.lang.Number, which doesn't extend Expr.


2 Because we don't need to check for bad inputs, it's fine to have your interpreter crash if b=0. If you prefer to "control" crash — creating a meaningful error message and calling error or throw yourself — you are also welcome to do that.      

3See java.lang.Math#signum.      

4 In class on Monday, we will choose one of the following or (most likely) a variant, as a class:

ML-like: let x = 2+3 in x*9 end;
lisp-like: (let {[x (+ 2 3)} (* x 9))
lisp-like, simplified: (let x (+ 2 3) (* x 9))
C#-like: using (var x = 2+3) { return x*9; }
javascript-like: var x = 2+3; return x*9;
Java-like: { int x = 2+3; return x*9; }
Note that you can (and should) test and write a “substitute” function w/o worrying about the exact syntax of a LetExpr. Substituing one thing in a tree for another is its own independent task, de-coupled from eval'ing a local-binding statement.      

5 Note that our different implementations are now varying by more than just precision of arithmetic: in a Java implementation, NaN is a Num, and in a racket implementation it's an Id. We won't use any test cases involving such subtle differences. However, note how our choices in designing a new language are being influenced by the language we're trying to easily implement it in! This stems from the fact that a primary design constraint on O1 is that implementing an intepreter for O1 doesn't get bogged down in minutae when using either Java or Racket.      

7 For example: what if a O2 programmer uses a variable named “mod” or “let” or “fun” [which we might make into a keyword in the future]? While it's not advisable for somebody to do this, and perhaps our parse should disallow this, our eval shouldn't give wacky results in this situation.      

6 All our real code should work on the parse tree itself. String-substitution (like C pre-processor macros) can't be generalized to handle shadowed variables (scope) for O3, and is in general fraught with error7. A local-variable construct which requires globally-unique names isn't very impressive!      

8 The notation “let x = 5 in (x plus 3);5 plus 38” is shorthand for

  eval(parse("let x = 5 in (x plus 3);"))
= eval(parse("(5 plus 3)"))
= eval(parse("8"))
Observe how we definitely don't write “"let x = 5 in (x plus 3)" = "(5 plus 3)" = 8” since the two strings are not .equals(·) to each other, and strings are never ints. More specifically: we distinguish between “” (“code evaluates to”) and “=” (“equals”, just as “=” has meant since kindergarten).      

homelecturesrecipeexamshwsD2Lbreeze (snow day)

©2013, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2013.Dec.07 (Sat)
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