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ITEC 345

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

smashing the stack
well, defending it

We saw how the stack works:
 every subroutine call makes its own stack frame,
 which includes not just its local variables, but
 also two other pieces of info: Upon completion,
 - where to update the top-of-stack, and
 - what point of code to return to (return-instruction-pointer, or %rip)

Alas, buffer overflows can corrupt the stack, and even trick the computer
into "arbitrary code execution": e.g.
Or, search (say)
“apple security update”.


But *how* can buffer overflows attack the stack? From mid-1990s: "Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit" -- a tutorial for x86-based linux machines -- which still holds true.

How you do it: put the string "/bin/sh" in memory, and figure out its *address* too; say 0xABCD. Then, add [the assembly code for] "execve 0xABCD" into memory [at location, say, 0x8888]; Then, over-write the stack so that the return-IP gets overwritten with 0x8888.

The 'smashing the stack' document details getting around other technical issues (you have to have the 'execve' word-aligned, and no null-characters, and you'll eventually need to get it into the data-segment of memory and you don't really know where that is. Trick: precede your implanted code in the data-segement w/ a whole bunch of NOP instructions; then transfer control to some guessed location that you hope is close enough to be in the NOP region.)

How to *protect* against stack attacks? - programmer check bounds; - have language check array-indices - "stack fencing", or canary in coal mine: Every time you boot the OS, choose a random int (a 'canary'), and store it somewhere. Every time the OS pushes the return-address, follow it with a copy of that random canary. Finally, when the OS pops off a return-address, it verifies that the (correct) canary is there. If the canary is dead (the wrong value), we have detected tampering, and we quit. -- a *random* value is used each run, since if you always used 417 then attackers will realize that and they'll just write 417 before their forged return address. -- Windows 7.early tried this implementation, and goofed: they kept the original copy of the canary in a register, and attackers were (somehow) able to get access to that register, and use it. [I don't understand exactly how, though.] ============ Intro Unix mentioned ls, cd, and the root dir.

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

©2014, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2014.Sep.12 (Fri)
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