import java.util.Scanner; /** * Contains example methods for lecture, about loops. */ public class ArrayDemos { private static Scanner s = new Scanner(; private static final int NUM_DATA = 365; /** Return the largest value in a double[]. * @param data The array to find the max value in. * Pre-condition: Must be non-empty (data.length > 0.) * @return the largest value in data. */ public static double findMax( double[] data ) { assert(data.length > 0); double maxSoFar = data[0]; for (int i=1; i < data.length; ++i ) { if (maxSoFar < data[i]) { maxSoFar = data[i]; } // Or, just: maxSoFar = Math.max( maxSoFar, data[i]); // Too bad there isn't a "max=" operator !-) // ... see fold } return maxSoFar; } /** Return the index of a largest value in a double[]. ("argmax"). * @param data The array to find the max value in. * Pre-condition: Must be non-empty (data.length > 0.) * @return the index of a largest value in data. * If the largest value occurs several times, we return the index of * the ???? occurrence. */ public static int indexOfMax( double[] data ) { return -1; } public static double maxConsecutivePair( double[] data ) { return -1; } public static int countOccurrences( String wrd, char target ) { return -1; } public static int countOccurrences( String[] wrd, char target ) { return -1; } public static String arrayToString( double[] wrd ) { return "blah"; } public static int[] letterFrequency( String wrd ) { int[] letterFreqSoFar = new int[26]; // initialize all 25 locations to 0. for (int i=0; i < letterFreqSoFar[i]; ++i ) { letterFreqSoFar[i] = 0; } // Now, look at each letter, and add it to the appropriate tally: for (int i=0; i < wrd.length(); ++i) { int letterInd = (int)(wrd.toLowerCase().charAt(i) - 'a'); ++letterFreqSoFar[ letterInd ]; } return letterFreqSoFar; } public static double[] doublesFromKbd( int sz ) { double[] theAnswer = new double[sz]; int indx = 0; while (indx < theAnswer.length) { System.out.println("Please enter datum #" + indx ); theAnswer[indx] = s.nextDouble(); indx = indx + 1; } return theAnswer; } public static double sum( double[] data ) { double totalSoFar = 0.0; for ( int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i ) { totalSoFar += data[i]; } return totalSoFar; } public static void rainfallExample() { double[] rainfall = doublesFromKbd( NUM_DATA ); double totalRainSoFar = sum( rainfall ); System.out.println("average rainfall is " + totalRainSoFar/rainfall.length ); } // public static int indexOf( String s, char target ) { int i = 0; boolean seenSoFar = false; while (i < s.length() && !seenSoFar) { if (s.charAt(i) == target) { seenSoFar = true; // cause the loop to stop } i += 1; } return i; // the index IS our accumulated answer in this case! } public static int indexOf_v2( String s, char target ) { int i = 0; boolean seenSoFar = false; while (i < s.length() && !seenSoFar) { // update accum to: "previously seen, or we're seeing it now" seenSoFar = seenSoFar || (s.charAt(i) == target); i += 1; } return i; // the index IS our accumulated answer in this case! } public static int indexOf_v3( String s, char target ) { int i = 0; while ( target != s.charAt(i) && i < s.length() ) { i += 1; } return i; } public char[] wordFreqs() { // How to represent histogram's info? while (s.hasNext()) { // read one word, count its letters, adding them to our histogram } // return resulting histogram return new char[0]; // Stub -- an array with 0 locations (!) } }