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evaluating expressions
and using JOptionPane to get input

quiz02—quiz 2: 2009.Jan.30

Our examples will use based on:

String msg;
msg = "hello";
(Remember the memory-diagram that goes with this: The declaration line yields
msg  |           |
and then the initialize results in the picture
msg  |  "hello"  |

Evaluation an Expression, step-by-step

Okay, let's consider an example where we use the result of a method call as an input to another method call:

Math.sqrt( Math.sqrt(16) )   
// =>
Math.sqrt( 4.0 )
// =>
We use “=>” to mean “Java transforms one expression into the next, in order to evaluate the expression.”. It's pure coincidence that we used Math.sqrt twice; here's another example:
Math.sqrt( msg.length() )
//  =>
Math.sqrt( 5 )
//  =>

Sometimes, Java does automatic conversions for us. Consider println, which must be given a String (and doesn't return an answer at all — it's a void method).

System.out.println( msg.length() );
//   =>       
System.out.println( 5 );
// This is a bit problematic, since we are passing an int to println,
// but really it wants a String.
// It turns out, Java is inserting a method call for us1:
//   =>
System.out.println( Integer.toString(5) );
// =>
System.out.println( "5" );
// =>
// void     [no answer, although some screen-pixels got painted.]

Question: Why is the following non-sensical?:

(System.out.println( msg )).length()

The truth about variables

If you've been extremely nit-picky (and I hope you are!), you might be wondering about two things: These two are actually consistent: when evaluating a variable Java really does just fetch the contents of the indicated box, and sometimes that box might contain a String, which is one type of object. Here's what really happens:
Math.sqrt( msg.length() )
//  =>
Math.sqrt( "hello".length() )
//  =>
Math.sqrt( 5 )
//  =>
The stop of replacing a variable with it's value is usually glossed over in books, but it really does happen. We can also amend our other example:
System.out.println( Integer.toString(msg.length()) );
// =>
System.out.println( Integer.toString("hello".length()) );
//   =>       
System.out.println( Integer.toString(5) );
//   =>       
System.out.println( "5" );
// =>
// void     [no answer, although some screen-pixels got painted.]

We can also call a method, and then take the result and call another method:

which is the same as
String msgShouted;
msgShouted = msg.toUpperCase();

You can choose to use variables to hold temporary sub-results or not; either way is fine.


javax.swing.JOptionPane is (the rather unwieldy) name of an object that knows how to put up dialog-boxes. In particular:

javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "What is your name?" )
Returns a String.

Most commonly, you want to remember the result for future use:

String theUsersName;
theUsersName = javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "What is your name?" );
Of course, you don't need to; you could even call one method on the result:
javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "What is your name?" ).toUpperCase()

converting Strings into numbers

JOptionPane's showInputDialog is a nice method, but it only returns a String.

javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "How old are you?" )
// [after some typing from the user:] =>
What if we want to use this String as a number? We'll have to call a method, to do this conversion.

It turns out, if you scour the documentation, that there are two useful methods: Integer.parseInt, and Double.parsedouble. For example:

Integer.parseInt( "23" ) 
// =>

Double.parseDouble( "-23.45e3" ) 
// =>

Aside: Difference in book terminology:

In lecture, we use the term “argument” to mean the actual value given to a method (like 5 or "hello"), and the term “parameter” will mean the name which the method gives to its argument (like x or frameNum).

In the book, Horstmann uses the term “parameter” to mean both these concepts. I find this a bit confusing, myself, since they really are distinct concepts. The terms “actual parameter” and “formal parameter” are also used for our “argument” and “parameter” respectively.

1 Technically, Java inserts that method call even before msg.length gets called. That is, Java rewrites

System.out.println( msg.length() );
System.out.println( Integer.toString(msg.length()) );
before it compiles the program.      

textbooktutor/PIsjava.lang docsjava.util docs

©2009, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2009.Feb.24 (Tue)
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