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Named Constants

In addition to naming intermediate calculations, we can also give name to constants in our program. For example,

The rules: Named constants are very similar to local variables:

heads up: We've introduced named constants as being declared in the same place as local variables (inside a function). We'll see next week that named constants are properly declared&initialized outside of a function.

What are the advantages of using such names? Discuss.


1Well, they do, but they're not static, and they require new which we haven't talked about yet. And anyway, the built-in conversion functions are tedious to write: (new Integer( numPizzas )).doubleValue().      

2 Well, we haven't talked about classes yet, but Java also lets you cast one class to another (not just numbers). However, casting classes is poor style; it indicates your program isn't correctly mirroring your real-world problem.      

RecipeLawsliessyntaxjava.lang docsjava.util docs

©2008, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2008.Feb.06 (Wed)
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