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Arrays vs Lists

We have seen lists, with their methods get(int) and add(Object), as a way of large sequences of data.

By the way, lists (which can hold any item, at each index) are very much like Strings (which hold a char at each index).

We now show yet another way of collecting sequences of data: arrays.

action String Lists arrays
The type String java.util.LinkedList<Double> double[]
constructor new String(stringLiteral) (or, just stringLiteral) new java.util.LinkedList<Double>() new double[50];
add-at-end myList.add( 23.4 );
access ith element myStr.charAt(i) myList.get(i) myArray[i]
change ith element (Strings are immutable) myList.set(i,23.4) myArray[i] = 23.4
increment ith element
(useful only when the collection holds numbers)
myList.set(i, myList.get(i)+1 ) myArray[i] = myArray[i] + 1 or
myArray[i] += 1 or
determine the size/length myStr.length() myList.size() myArray.length
convert to String myStr myList.toString() java.util.Arrays.toString(myArray)
Can hold primitive types? no (only chars) no yes


Hmns r gd t ndrstndng sntncs, vn wth ll vwls rmvd.
We'll write three versions of removeVowels, which is given a String/list-of-Character/array-of-char, and it returns a another String/list-of-Char consisting of all the non-vowels in the input. For example, removeVowels( "Humans are good at understanding sentences, even with all vowels removed." ) would return the above answer as a String.

In practice, lists prove much more flexible than arrays: it's much more common to have data of the form “0 or more data” than “exactly 100 data”.2

Arrays vs Lists

Suppose we want to process the temperature every day in January. How can we represent that data?
double[31], which we use as:

java.util.Random randy = new java.util.Random();
double LO = 20.0;
double HI = 40.0;

double[] temps;                               // Declare.

temps = new double[31];                      // Allocate.

temps[0] = 35.0;      // We'll fill the array with random numbers.
temps[1] = 22.7;
temps[2] = 30.0;
temps[3] = //...
temps[30] = 23.4;

// Isn't there a better way to initialize each location?
// Yes -- use a loop, to get the *computer* to count 0..30 for us:

// Initialize our model with random numbers between LO and HI.
for (int i = 0; i<temps.length; ++i) {
  temps[i] = LO + (HI-LO)*randy.nextDouble();  // Initialize.
In BlueJ, we'll inspect the array. It's an object which has fields named “0”, “1”, … through “30”. (You might notice it also has a field named “length”.)

Examples of when to use arrays (rather than lists)

As mentioned, an array can only get and set, while a java List can do all that and more. You'll see in 220 that arrays can be used to implement class List. What follows are examples where many people would content themselves with arrays, rather than lists.

Case Study

Example: count how many times each character occurs in a String.

representing char: Characters are represented by short ints in Java; most ordinary letters are encoded by numbers in 32...127. Java lets you do arithmetic on char: try (in Code Pad)
We can use this conversion between int and char to help us have letters correspond to indices: 'A' will be at index 0, 'B' will be at index 1, etc.. In general, for a char ltr, if ltr holds an upper-case letter then we can use ltr - 'A' as an index.
/** Adapted from Java Foundations, Chpt 7, example 7.3
class LetterCounts {
    public static final int NUM_LETTERS = 26;  // Named constant.

    private String msg;
    private int otherCount;
    private int[] upperCounts = new int[NUM_LETTERS];  // Declare and allocate.
    private int[] lowerCounts = new int[NUM_LETTERS];

    /** Constructor.
     * @param src A String to count the letters of.
    public LetterCounts( String text ) {

        msg = text;
        otherCount = 0;

        // Initialize our declared, allocated arrays:
        for ( int i = 0;  i < NUM_LETTERS; ++i ) {
            upperCounts[i] = 0;
            lowerCounts[i] = 0;

        // Now, look at every character in our argument:
        for ( int i = 0;  i < text.length();  ++i ) {
            char ltr = text.charAt(i);
            if ('A' <= ltr && ltr <= 'Z') {
                upperCounts[ ltr-'A' ] = upperCounts[ ltr-'A' ] + 1;
            else if ('a' <= ltr && ltr <= 'z') {
                ++lowerCounts[ ltr-'a' ];
            else {


  /** Return a String with the results of counting the letters.
   * @return a String with the results of counting the letters.
  public String toString() {
    String resultSoFar = "";
    for (int offset=0; offset < NUM_LETTERS; ++offset ) {
      resultSoFar += (char)(offset+'A') + ": " + upperCounts[offset] + "\t"
                  +  (char)(offset+'a') + ": " + lowerCounts[offset] + "\n";
    return resultSoFar + "Other: " + otherCount;

  public int[] getUpperCounts() { return this.upperCounts; }
  public int[] getLowerCounts() { return this.lowerCounts; }

1 Usually, in Java, you can extend classes to give them additional behavior. However, in Java, you can't extend array classes, so this class was kludged on.      

2 And when using a list, there are two common choices: LinkedList<Type> and ArrayList<Type>. Nearly always, ArrayList<Type> is the better choice. Despite its name, ArrayList is not an array; it's a list.      


Hmm... Some locations are properties (with rents, sale-prices, etc.); other locations are events (community-chest, Go, etc.). How to have one single class that can represent both these elements which have many differences, but also many similarities (they all have images, might have people on them, can trigger events, etc.).

Really this is two problems: union types (properties vs. events-only), and shared functionality (what both types do). Interfaces and inheritance (next week) provide a good solution to these problems!


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©2008, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2008.Dec.01 (Mon)
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