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ITEC 120

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No magic numbers; increment syntax

Named Constants

Consider BankAccount fees -- The first few transactions/mo were free (say, the first 4); after that there was a fee (say, $2.50). Our code included the numbers 4 and $2.50 in the middle of the code, perhaps in several different places. What if the bank manager decides to raise the fees? Or change the number of free-transactions?

Well, we an always search-replace, right? Careful — $2.50 might have been used for some other purposes! You need to go through the bank's entire code, and look at each "2.50" (and 2.5 and 5.0/2), and decide whether it th transaction fee, and if so change it. This process is tedious, and error-prone.

The proper solution is to use named constants:

  public static final FREE_TRANSACTIONS_PER_MONTH = 4;
  public static final TRANSACTION_FEE = 2.50;
  public static final ATM_FEE = 2.50;

To see this visually, in BlueJ:

Another example: Roach population.

class RoachPopulation {
  int numRoaches;

  RoachPopulation( int initialPop ) {
    numRoaches = initialPop;

  void spray() {
    numRoaches = numRoaches/10;

  void grow() {
    numRoaches = numRoaches + numRoaches/10;

  int getNumRoaches() {
    return numRoaches;



class PrezElect is used to keep track of presidential election results, assuming there are exactly two candidates.

What fields do we want? What methods? Write 'em!

Extra syntax for incrementing


  n = n+1;
  n += 1;
Each of these takes an entire line. Don't try to combine incrementing with anything else.

Now, suppose this class is actually used by the electoral college, which has 435+100+3 electors. Make a named constant, to reflect this.

Extra: make further named constants which explain where each part of 435+100+3 comes from! lect06b-soln.html

1 Either: call the constructor in Code Pad, and then drag the tiny-red-box leftward to the bench; or, call the constructor by right-clicking on the class.      

textbookjava.lang docsjava.util docsarchive

©2008, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2008.Oct.13 (Mon)
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