ITEC 120 LAB 14 Back to Lab index page

Activities at Lake LazyDays

As activity directory at Lake LazyDays Resort, it is your job to suggest appropriate activities to guests based on the weather:

if it is not raining:

80 degrees or higher : go swimming
60 <= temp < 80: play tennis
35 <= temp < 60: enjoy the golf course
below 35 degrees: go skiing

if it is raining:

80 degrees or higher : visit the greenhouse
60 <= temp < 80: visit our spa
35 <= temp < 60: enjoy our shops
below 35 degrees: go skiing

Write a program (one program with one main method) that asks if it is raining, prompts the user for a temperature, then prints out the activity appropriate for that temperature.

Use a boolean variable to represent whether it is raining or not.

Try to represent your logic in a simple, understandable way. Make it concise if you can. It will be very important to use proper indentation when writing if statements.

Sample run 1

Program displays: Is it raining? (yes or no)
User enters: no
Program displays: What is the temperature outside?
User enters: 75
Program displays: Play some tennis on our fine clay courts!

Sample run 2

Program displays: Is it raining? (yes or no)
User enters: yes
Program displays: What is the temperature outside?
User enters: 40
Program displays: Please visit our shops.