ITEC 120 Lab Quiz 3 - Thursday, Mar 6

Lab Quiz 3 - Employee class
Due at the end of lab period.
Submit these 2 files to your directory on neelix, in a folder called RU03.

Download these two files: - a class file which represents an employee - YOU COMPLETE THIS - the driver program which tests the Employee class - DO NOT CHANGE THIS

Your job is to finish writing the Employee class. Here is the UML diagram for Employee:


- name : String
- payrate : double

+ Employee ( empname : String, rate : double )
+ calcPay ( hours : double ) : double
+ toString ( ) : String

Here's a sample run for the driver program:

Program outputs: Please enter an employee name:
User inputs: Sam Smith
Program outputs: Enter the hourly rate for Sam Smith:
User inputs: 8.75
Program outputs: How many hours did Sam Smith work?
User inputs: 42
Program outputs: ----------------------------------
Sam Smith
Payrate: $8.75 per hour
Paycheck is $376.25

You will need to submit 2 files ( and ) to a folder called RU03 in your folder on neelix.