ITEC 120 LAB 3 Back to Lab index page

Lab must be completed and reviewed by Peer Instructor on Tuesday, Jan 14 during lab class and no later than the first 10 minutes of lab class on Thurs, Jan 16.


In this lab you'll create a new Java program using PFE that will generate the output specified below.

Task 1 - Prepare to create your own 1st Java program.

Task 2 - Create the class and method headers

Task 3 - Build the comment (banner) at the top of the program.

Task 4 - Create some variable declarations.

In your program, declare 7 variables:

Task 5 - Create the print and assignment statements necessary to complete the lab.

"My first program"         Your name
---------------        ---------

Example: System.out.println("int1's value is" + int1);

Task 6 - Compile and execute the program.

Completion Requirements

Once you've completed the lab, you should show the Peer Instructor that you have completed:
-- Run the lab3 program,
-- the PI will compare the specified output to your output.
-- then use PFE to show the file to the PI, your comments and code structure will be checked.