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Assignment 2 - Rock, Paper, Scissors AGAIN
Submit your program to your instructor's directory in the ITEC120 folder on neelix.

Description: You will write a new program which will use the Player class you already wrote (for lab 10). This time, the user can play rock, paper, scissors against the computer.

For example:

Program outputs: What's your name?
User inputs: Sam
Program outputs: Hello, Sam.
How about a little game of Rock, Paper Scissors?
You pick:
     R - Rock
     P - Paper
     S - Scissors
     Q - Quit
User inputs: P
Program outputs:

Sam: Paper      Computer : Rock         Sam WINS!

Let's play again! Choose:
     R - Rock
     P - Paper
     S - Scissors
     Q - Quit

User inputs: S
Program outputs: Sam: Scissors   Computer : Scissors      A TIE

Let's play again! Choose:
     R - Rock
     P - Paper
     S - Scissors
     Q - Quit
User inputs: S
Program outputs: Sam: Scissors   Computer : Rock         THE COMPUTER WINS!

Let's play again! Choose:
     R - Rock
     P - Paper
     S - Scissors
     Q - Quit
User inputs: x
Program outputs: "x" is not a valid command.
     R - Rock
     P - Paper
     S - Scissors
     Q - Quit
User inputs: r
Program outputs: Sam: Rock       Computer : Scissors     Sam WINS!
Let's play again! Choose:
     R - Rock
     P - Paper
     S - Scissors
     Q - Quit
User inputs: q
Program outputs:

Sam won 2 games.
The computer won 1 game.
There was 1 tie.

You will create two different files -- one for your Player class (you should already have this), and for your driver program (where the main method will be). You'll submit your and your files to your folder on neelix. Please remember to create a folder called RU03 inside your folder on neelix, and put and inside the RU03 folder. That way, the neelix collection script will be able to get your programs.

For full credit, your program should be able to handle both upper and lowercase input from the user. Your program should also validate input from the user. If the user does not enter R, P, S, or Q, give an error message and ask them to enter again. Your program should also output the final counts in good English. For example, you should not say "The computer won 1 games." or, "There were 1 ties.".