CPSC 120 LAB 4 Back to Lab index page

Lab must be completed and reviewed by Peer Instructor Seth Peery no later than Wed, Sept 19 during lab class.

You are to write a nicely documented Ada program that will get today's date from the Ada.Calendar package.  It should print today's and tomorrow's date in the format, month (spelled out), day, and four digit year.  You should name your program lab4.adb.  You should implement an enumerated data type that corresponds to the months.  Remember if today is the last day of the month, then tomorrow is the first day of the next month.  You should test for the end of month in your program. 

Sample 1

Program outputs: Today is February 2, 2000.  Tomorrow will be February 3, 2000.

Sample 2

Program outputs: Today is February 29, 2000.  Tomorrow will be March 1, 2000.