CPSC 120 Assignment 3 Back to Assignment index page
Instructor: Brenneman  
Due Date: midnight, Tuesday, Sept 18  

Input/Output, Ada Calendar Package, Enumerated Data Types

Description:  You must write a program that outputs todays date in the following format - 9/15/2001.  You must use the Ada Calendar program to ouput today's date.   Regardless of what day your program is run it should output the current date.   Next, the program should ask the user for the day of the week.  Once the user inputs the day of the week the program should ouptut the day of the week in some other language, (your choice).  Enumerated data types must be implemented for the days of the week.  Sample input/output is below.

For example:

Program Outputs Today is 9/15/2001.
Program Outputs What day of the week is today?
User Inputs Monday
Program Outputs Monday is lundi in French.

To receive full credit, your program must make use of the Ada Calendar package and an enumeration type, (for the days of the week).

The program must be in a file named program3.adb.  Use the submit command to turn in your program for grading.  Example:
submit cpsc120-05 program3.adb
make sure you use the correct section number for your class.     Please compile and run your program immediately before submitting it.  Never make a change to the code file(s) and turn it in without compiling and running it first.  It is very easy to make a last minute mistake that introduces syntax errors, so checking before submitting can save you an unnecessary grade of 0.  You may submit as many times as you like, but only the last submission is kept.  Since only the last submission is kept, if the last one is late, then your assignment is late and will receive an automatic grade of zero (0).