Package: GNAT.OS_Lib


with System;
with Unchecked_Deallocation;


Except where specifically noted, these routines are portable across all GNAT implementations on all supported operating systems.


package GNAT.OS_Lib is
pragma Elaborate_Body (OS_Lib);

Type Summary

Primitive Operations:  Close, Create_File, Create_File, Create_New_File, Create_New_File, Create_Temp_File, File_Length, File_Time_Stamp, Lseek, Open_Read, Open_Read, Open_Read_Write, Open_Read_Write, Read, Write
Primitive Operations:  File_Time_Stamp, File_Time_Stamp, File_Time_Stamp, GM_Day, GM_Hour, GM_Minute, GM_Month, GM_Second, GM_Split, GM_Year
Primitive Operations:  Non_Blocking_Spawn, Wait_Process

Constants and Named Numbers

Directory_Separator : constant Character;
The character that is used to separate parts of a pathname.
Invalid_FD : constant File_Descriptor;
File descriptor returned when error in opening/creating file;
Invalid_Pid : constant Process_Id;
A special value used to indicate errors, as described below.
Path_Separator : constant Character;
The character to separate paths in an environment variable value.
Seek_Cur : constant := 1;
Seek_End : constant := 2;
Seek_Set : constant := 0;
Used to indicate origin for Lseek call
Standerr : constant File_Descriptor;
File descriptors for standard input output files
Standin : constant File_Descriptor;
Standout : constant File_Descriptor;
Temp_File_Len : constant Integer := 12;
Length of name returned by Create_Temp_File call (GNAT-XXXXXX & NUL)

Other Items:

type String_Access is access all String;

procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation
  (Object => String, Name => String_Access);
Time/Date Stuff

type OS_Time is private;
The OS's notion of time is represented by the private type OS_Time. This is the type returned by the File_Time_Stamp functions to obtain the time stamp of a specified file. Functions and a procedure (modeled after the similar subprograms in package Calendar) are provided for extracting information from a value of this type. Although these are called GM, the intention is not that they provide GMT times in all cases but rather the actual (time-zone independent) time stamp of the file (of course in Unix systems, this *is* in GMT form).

subtype Year_Type   is Integer range 1900 .. 2099;

subtype Month_Type  is Integer range    1 ..   12;

subtype Day_Type    is Integer range    1 ..   31;

subtype Hour_Type   is Integer range    0 ..   23;

subtype Minute_Type is Integer range    0 ..   59;

subtype Second_Type is Integer range    0 ..   59;

function GM_Year    (Date : OS_Time) return Year_Type;

function GM_Month   (Date : OS_Time) return Month_Type;

function GM_Day     (Date : OS_Time) return Day_Type;

function GM_Hour    (Date : OS_Time) return Hour_Type;

function GM_Minute  (Date : OS_Time) return Minute_Type;

function GM_Second  (Date : OS_Time) return Second_Type;

procedure GM_Split
  (Date    : OS_Time;
   Year    : out Year_Type;
   Month   : out Month_Type;
   Day     : out Day_Type;
   Hour    : out Hour_Type;
   Minute  : out Minute_Type;
   Second  : out Second_Type);
File Stuff

type File_Descriptor is private;
These routines give access to the open/creat/close/read/write level of I/O routines in the typical C library (these functions are not part of the ANSI C standard, but are typically available in all systems). See also package Interfaces.C_Streams for access to the stream level routines. Corresponds to the int file handle values used in the C routines,

type Mode is (Binary, Text);
for Mode use (Binary => 0, Text => 1);
for Mode'Size use Integer'Size;
Used in all the Open and Create calls to specify if the file is to be opened in binary mode or text mode. In systems like Unix, this has no effect, but in systems capable of text mode translation, the use of Text as the mode parameter causes the system to do CR/LF translation and also to recognize the DOS end of file character on input. The use of Text where appropriate allows programs to take a portable Unix view of DOs-format files and process them appropriately.

function Open_Read
  (Name  : String;
   Fmode : Mode)
   return  File_Descriptor;
Open file Name for reading, returning file descriptor File descriptor returned is Invalid_FD if file cannot be opened.

function Open_Read_Write
  (Name  : String;
   Fmode : Mode)
   return  File_Descriptor;
Open file Name for both reading and writing, returning file descriptor. File descriptor returned is Invalid_FD if file cannot be opened.

function Create_File
  (Name  : String;
   Fmode : Mode)
   return  File_Descriptor;
Creates new file with given name for writing, returning file descriptor for subsequent use in Write calls. File descriptor returned is Invalid_FD if file cannot be successfully created

function Create_New_File
  (Name  : String;
   Fmode : Mode)
   return  File_Descriptor;
Create new file with given name for writing, returning file descriptor for subsequent use in Write calls. This differs from Create_File in that it fails if the file already exists. File descriptor returned is Invalid_FD if the file exists or cannot be created.

subtype Temp_File_Name is String (1 .. Temp_File_Len);
String subtype set by Create_Temp_File

procedure Create_Temp_File
  (FD   : out File_Descriptor;
   Name : out Temp_File_Name);
Create and open for writing a temporary file. The name of the file and the File Descriptor are returned. The File Descriptor returned is Invalid_FD in the case of failure. No mode parameter is provided. Since this is a temporary file, there is no point in doing text translation on it.

procedure Close (FD : File_Descriptor);
pragma Import (C, Close, "close");
Close file referenced by FD

procedure Delete_File (Name : String; Success : out Boolean);
Deletes file. Success is set True or False indicating if the delete is successful.

procedure Rename_File
  (Old_Name : String;
   New_Name : String;
   Success  : out Boolean);
Rename a file. Successis set True or False indicating if the rename is successful.

function Read
  (FD   : File_Descriptor;
   A    : System.Address;
   N    : Integer)
   return Integer;
pragma Import (C, Read, "read");
Read N bytes to address A from file referenced by FD. Returned value is count of bytes actually read, which can be less than N at EOF.

function Write
  (FD   : File_Descriptor;
   A    : System.Address;
   N    : Integer)
   return Integer;
pragma Import (C, Write, "write");
Write N bytes from address A to file referenced by FD. The returned value is the number of bytes written, which can be less than N if a disk full condition was detected.

procedure Lseek
  (FD     : File_Descriptor;
   offset : Long_Integer;
   origin : Integer);
pragma Import (C, Lseek, "lseek");
Sets the current file pointer to the indicated offset value, relative to the current position (origin = SEEK_CUR), end of file (origin = SEEK_END), or start of file (origin = SEEK_SET).

function File_Length (FD : File_Descriptor) return Long_Integer;
pragma Import (C, File_Length, "file_length");
Get length of file from file descriptor FD

function File_Time_Stamp (Name : String) return OS_Time;
Given the name of a file, Name, obtains and returns the time stamp. This function can be used for an unopend file.

function File_Time_Stamp (FD : File_Descriptor) return OS_Time;
Get time stamp of file from file descriptor FD

function Is_Regular_File (Name : String) return Boolean;
Determines if the given string, Name, is the name of an existing regular file. Returns True if so, False otherwise.

function Is_Directory (Name : String) return Boolean;
Determines if the given string, Name, is the name of a directory. Returns True if so, False otherwise.

function Is_Writable_File (Name : String) return Boolean;
Determines if the given string, Name, is the name of an existing file that is writable. Returns True if so, False otherwise.

function Locate_Exec_On_Path
  (Exec_Name : String)
   return      String_Access;
Try to locate an executable whose name is given by Exec_Name in the directories listed in the environment Path. If the Exec_Name doesn't have the executable suffix, it will be appended before the search. Otherwise works like Locate_Regular_File below.

function Locate_Regular_File
  (File_Name : String;
   Path      : String)
   return      String_Access;
Try to locate a regular file whose name is given by File_Name in the directories listed in Path. If a file is found, its full pathname is returned; otherwise, a null pointer is returned. If the File_Name given is an absolute pathname, then Locate_Regular_File just checks that the file exists and is a regular file. Otherwise, the Path argument is parsed according to OS conventions, and for each directory in the Path a check is made if File_Name is a relative pathname of a regular file from that directory.

function Get_Debuggable_Suffix return String_Access;
Return the debuggable suffix convention. Usually this is the same as the convention for Get_Executable_Suffix.

function Get_Executable_Suffix return String_Access;
Return the executable suffix convention.

function Get_Object_Suffix return String_Access;
Return the object suffix convention.

subtype C_File_Name is System.Address;
The following section contains low-level routines using addresses to pass file name and executable name. In each routine the name must be Nul-Terminated. For complete documentation refer to the equivalent routine (but using string) defined above. This subtype is used to document that a parameter is the address of a null-terminated string containing the name of a file.

function Open_Read
  (Name  : C_File_Name;
   Fmode : Mode)
   return  File_Descriptor;

pragma Import (C, Open_Read, "open_read");

function Open_Read_Write
  (Name  : C_File_Name;
   Fmode : Mode)
   return  File_Descriptor;

pragma Import (C, Open_Read_Write, "open_rw");

function Create_File
  (Name  : C_File_Name;
   Fmode : Mode)
   return  File_Descriptor;

pragma Import (C, Create_File, "open_create");

function Create_New_File
  (Name  : C_File_Name;
   Fmode : Mode)
   return  File_Descriptor;

pragma Import (C, Create_New_File, "open_new");

procedure Delete_File (Name : C_File_Name; Success : out Boolean);

procedure Rename_File
  (Old_Name : C_File_Name;
   New_Name : C_File_Name;
   Success  : out Boolean);

function File_Time_Stamp (Name : C_File_Name) return OS_Time;

function Is_Regular_File (Name : C_File_Name) return Boolean;

function Is_Directory (Name : C_File_Name) return Boolean;

function Is_Writable_File (Name : C_File_Name) return Boolean;

function Locate_Regular_File
  (File_Name : C_File_Name;
   Path      : C_File_Name)
   return      String_Access;

type Argument_List is array (Positive range <>) of String_Access;
Type used for argument list in call to Spawn. The lower bound of the array should be 1, and the length of the array indicates the number of arguments.

type Argument_List_Access is access all Argument_List;
Type used to return an Argument_List without dragging in secondary stack.

procedure Spawn
  (Program_Name : String;
   Args         : Argument_List;
   Success      : out Boolean);
The first parameter of function Spawn is the full path name of the executable. The second parameter contains the arguments to be passed to the program. Success is false if the program could not be spawned or its execution completed unsuccessfully. Note that the caller will be blocked until the execution of the spawned program is complete.

function Spawn
  (Program_Name : String;
   Args         : Argument_List)
   return         Integer;
Like above, but as function returning the exact exit status

type Process_Id is private;
A private type used to identify a process activated by the following non-blocking call. The only meaningful operation on this type is a comparison for equality.

function Non_Blocking_Spawn
  (Program_Name : String;
   Args         : Argument_List)
   return         Process_Id;
This is a non blocking call. The Process_Id of the spawned process is returned. Parameters are to be used as in Spawn. If Invalid_Id is returned the program could not be spawned.

procedure Wait_Process (Pid : out Process_Id; Success : out Boolean);
Wait for the completion of any of the processes created by previous calls to Non_Blocking_Spawn. The caller will be suspended until one of these processes terminates (normally or abnormally). If any of these subprocesses terminates prior to the call to Wait_Process (and has not been returned by a previous call to Wait_Process), then the call to Wait_Process is immediate. Pid identifies the process that has terminated (matching the value returned from Non_Blocking_Spawn). Success is set to True if this sub-process terminated successfully. If Pid = Invalid_Id, there were no subprocesses left to wait on.

function Argument_String_To_List
  (Arg_String : String)
   return       Argument_List_Access;
Take a string that is a program and it's arguments and parse it into an Argument_List.

function Getenv (Name : String) return String_Access;
Get the value of the environment variable. Returns an access to the empty string if the environment variable does not exist or has an explicit null value (in some operating systems these are distinct cases, in others they are not; this interface abstracts away that difference.

procedure Setenv (Name : String; Value : String);
Set the value of the environment variable Name to Value. This call modifies the current environment, but does not modify the parent process environment. After a call to Setenv, Getenv (Name) will always return a String_Access referencing the same String as Value. This is true also for the null string case (the actual effect may be to either set an explicit null as the value, or to remove the entry, this is operating system dependent). Note that any following calls to Spawn will pass an environment to the spawned process that includes the changes made by Setenv calls. This procedure is not available under VMS.

procedure OS_Exit (Status : Integer);
pragma Import (C, OS_Exit, "os_exit");
Exit to OS with given status code (program is terminated)

procedure OS_Abort;
pragma Import (C, OS_Abort, "abort");
Exit to OS signalling an abort (traceback or other appropriate diagnostic information should be given if possible, or entry made to the debugger if that is possible).

function Errno return Integer;
pragma Import (C, Errno, "__get_errno");
Return the task-safe last error number.

procedure Set_Errno (Errno : Integer);
pragma Import (C, Set_Errno, "__set_errno");
Set the task-safe error number.


   --  Implementation-defined ...
end GNAT.OS_Lib;