Spring 07 Classes:

121, 140, 151

Courses taught in the past:

Calculus 152,251,252, Linear algebra (460) Advanced Calc. 430/431.


Be sure to get all your homework done as soon as possible after class as this will lead to better grades.


- RU
- My book mark
- E-mail Me

Walker 203; Phone: (540) 831-5232


Business Calculus Contract

Office: 203 Walker
Office Hours
: MWF: 10-11:20 . M 3-4 pm
E-mail: wyang@radford.edu
URL: www.radford.edu/~wyang

Final Exam Time: Check the schedule of Spring 2007..

Course Content:   We will cover sequentially.

Text:   Check with the RU bookstore

Grading: The following grading scale will be used:
90-100 = A 80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
0-59 = F
Tests and Exam:

Homework: Homework will not be counted toward your final grade. However, if I collect and grade your homework, it will be counted as bonus toward your grade. In addition, most questions on quizzes and tests will be from homework assigned in class.

Attendance: I will choose to take the attendance once in a while. Those who miss a class will lose some points from a quiz or a  test and those who show up will get extra credits toward a quiz or a test.

How to do well in this class: 1. Have adequate knowledge from Pre-calculus and Trigonometry. 2. Attend every class. 3. Do your homework.. 4. Review your class notes before you come to the next class.

Honor System   All tests and the final must be pledged. The Honor Code will be strictly enforced in this course.

IMPORTANT: If you are not on the class roster that comes out after the last add date, immediately check your schedule at a terminal and start attending the proper section. For no foreseeable reason (computer and registrar personnel mistakes included) will you be allowed to stay in the wrong section or to drop a section for which you are actually enrolled after the last drop date. By simply attending a section you will not be placed on its roll.