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Numerical Integrations in Maple and Mathematica

The facts about some of the algorithms set up by Maple and Mathematica are as follows:

  1. They are not reliable for treating functions with singularities in higher dimensions.
  2. We know that the double integral of the function tex2html_wrap_inline436 if x2+y2>0 and f(x,y)=0 if x2+y2=0 in the region tex2html_wrap_inline444 does not exist and yet the value of its repeated integrals is 0. Both Maple V Release 4 and Mathematica 2.01 give the ''wrong'' answer 0.
  3. Both Mathematica and Maple can't handle singularities which lie on the diagonal of a region, examples will be given later.

These facts motivate me to develop new algorithms which shall use my theoretical integration backgrounds.