I. Compare the folloiwng functions:

> f:=x->3^(-x);

f := proc (x) options operator, arrow; 3^(-x) end proc

> g:=x->3^(-0.5*x);

g := proc (x) options operator, arrow; 3^(-.5*x) end proc

> plot({f,g},-3..4,-10..10,thickness=2);


> evalf(f(1));


> evalf(g(1));


Do you know which one is which?

II. Compare the following functions:

> f1:=x->exp(-x);

f1 := proc (x) options operator, arrow; exp(-x) end proc

> g1:=x->10*exp(-x);

g1 := proc (x) options operator, arrow; 10*exp(-x) end proc

> plot({f1,g1},-3..5,0..20);



Do you know which one is which?

Exercises: page 63, from number 3 to number 13.