Below are some helpful resources on the web for improving your writing skills:

APA Documentation
American Psychological Association format. This style of documentation is preferred by the social sciences. Use it when you are reporting research in which dates are important enough that you want them to appear in the text of the paper.

MLA Documentation
Modern Language Association format. This style of documentation is used mainly for literature research papers.

Purdue University's Online Writing Lab

Diana Hacker Website:  Research and Documentation Online

This site contains MLA, APA, and Chicago Style documentation examples complete with sample papers in these formats.  Good for English 101 or 102 students, as well as all other classes that require proper documentation when writing formal papers.

Grammar Guides

This guide has instruction for sentence level grammar issues, punctuation, and style; paragraph level instruction; and help for research paper preparation.

ESL Grammar Guides

This guide includes articles, nouns, and verbs.      

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