1999 SIGCSE Doctoral Consortium
Provisional Schedule

The Oak Room, Radisson Hotel, New Orleans, LA

Wednesday, March 24, 1999

8:30 (30 min) coffee
9:00 (20 min) Welcome (Jane Prey)
Warm-up activity; using the wall (Vicki Almstrum)
9:20 (15 min) Laurie Williams, University of Utah (U.S.)
The collaborative software process
9:35 (15 min) Mary-Anne Posenau, Penn State University at York (U.S.)
Algorithms for high aspect-ratio oriented triangulations
9:50 (15 min) Martha Hause, Open University (U.K.)
Communication in remote group working
10:05 (15 min) movement break / fresh coffee
10:20 (15 min) Christina Björkman, Uppsala University (Sweden)
Project Q+: an action-oriented program for recruiting and retaining first year female students in CS
10:35 (15 min) Bruce Wooley, Mississippi State University (U.S.)
Scaling clustering for the data mining step in knowledge discovery
10:50 (30 min) Stumbling blocks: how to fail (Sally Fincher)
11:20 (15 min) Quan Tran, University of Texas at Dallas (U.S.)
Educational middleware: bridging software technology and education
11:35 (15 min) Ray Lischner, Oregon State University (U.S.)
Programming language and tools for deep learning
11:50 ( 5 min) movement break
11:55 (15 min) Mary Last, Grand Valley State University (U.S.)
Virtual teams in Computing education
12:10 (15 min) Duane Jarc, The George Washington University (U.S.)
Assessing the benefits of interactivity and the influence of learning styles on the effectiveness of algorithm animation using Web-based data structures courseware
12:25 (20 min) 'Cocktail party' introductions (Marian Petre)
12:45 (90 min) lunch
14:15 (15 min) Brian Hopkins, Anglia Polytechnic University (U.K.)
The role of critical and reflective thinking in the education and training of Information Systems practitioners
14:30 (15 min) Anne Applin, University of Southern Mississippi (U.S.)
The application of language acquisition theory to programming concept instruction: chunks versus programs from scratch
14:45 ( 5 min) movement break
14:50 (15 min) Oliver Grillmeyer, Univ of California at Berkeley (U.S.)
Animation used to explain Scheme functions
15:05 (15 min) Anders Berglund, Uppsala University (Sweden)
Knowledge creation in Computer Science in an international distributed environment
15:20 (45 min) break with members of the SIGCSE Board and Conference Committee
registration for conference?
16:05 (30 min) Tactics for completion (Marian Petre)
16:35 (30 min) Getting the most out of the conference (Vicki Almstrum)
17:05 end

Page prepared by Vicki L. Almstrum.Department of Computer Sciences at UT Austin
Send suggestions or comments to almstrum@cs.utexas.edu