1999 SIGCSE Doctoral Consortium

March 24, 1999
New Orleans, LA

Consortium Coordinators

Dr. Marian Petre, The Open University, UK (M.Petre@open.ac.uk )
Dr. Vicki L. Almstrum, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
(email: almstrum@cs.utexas.edu ; http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/almstrum/)

Discussion Leaders

About the Doctoral Consortium

The Doctoral Consortium is held the day before the regular sessions of the SIGCSE Technical Symposium begin. The aims of the Doctoral Consortium are:

The Consortium is designed for students currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program. The Consortium is for students at any stage of doctoral study; a particular invitation was extended to students studying part-time in conjunction with full-time teaching. The focus of the Doctoral Consortium is on CS education research, although students in any area of computing are welcome to apply.

The Consortium allows participants to interact with established researchers and with other Ph.D. students, and to reflect -- through short activities, information sessions, and discussions -- on the process and lessons of doctoral research. Each participant gives a short, critiqued, research presentation. Doctoral Consortium participants will register for the Technical Symposium and partake in other conference activities.

Additional materials:

Participants in 1999 SIGCSE Doctoral Consortium


Title of work


Anne Applin
The Application of Language Acquisition Theory
to Programming Concept Instruction: Chunks versus Programs from Scratch
Center for Science and Mathematics Education, University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Anders Berglund
Knowledge Creation in Computer Science in an International Distributed Environment Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, Sweden
Christina Björkman
Project Q+: An action-oriented program for recruiting and retaining first year female students in Computer Science Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, Sweden
Oliver Grillmeyer
Animation Used to Explain Scheme Functions Computer Science Division
and School of Education, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Martha L. Hause
Communication in Remote Group Working Mathematics and Computing Dept., The Open University, Cambridge, UK
Brian Hopkins
The Role of Critical and Reflective Thinking in the Education and Training of Information Systems Practitioners School of Design and Communication Systems
Anglia Polytechnic University, UK
Duane J. Jarc
Assessing the Benefits of Interactivity and the Influence of Learning Styles on the Effectiveness of Algorithm Animation using Web-based Data Structures Courseware Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The George Washington University, USA
Mary Z. Last
Virtual Teams in Computing Education Grand Valley State University; Doctoral Affiliation: Kingston University, UK
Ray Lischner
Programming Language and Tools for Deep Learning Oregon State University, USA
Mary-Anne K. Posenau
Algorithms for High Aspect-Ratio Oriented Triangulations Penn State York. USA
Quan Tran
Educational Middleware:
Bridging Software Technology and Education
School of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Laurie Williams
The Collaborative Software Process University of Utah, USA
Bruce Wooley
Scaling Clustering for the Data Mining Step in Knowledge Discovery Department of Computer Science, Mississippi State University, USA

Page prepared by Vicki L. Almstrum. Department of Computer Sciences at UT Austin
Send suggestions, comments to almstrum@cs.utexas.edu