NAMES are important on your Web pages specifics key words searchable "Search Engine Optimization" SEO --- using important words as: page title H1 heading Link terms Summary (menu heading) "Title" fields in links and images "meta" data in the head of each page the text of links that point to your page This "meta data" or "microdata" if information /about/ your page. For example, Radford University's home page uses this "title" and "meta description" block: Radford University | Virginia | Best in the Southeast A New York Times lead story uses this "meta" info: Wrangling in Egypt as Constitution Deadline Looms - Along with that general description and keyword list, the Times also follows a detailed "schema" of meta tags to help search engines and news-processing programs identify detailed information about each story, from the author's byline to main topics of the story, including multiple levels of headlines. See See Google & Bing pages for Web designers