Fall 2012 COMS 326: Web Production

with Bob Stepno

Fall 2012 syllabus (pdf) & student pages

Archival copy of fall week-to-week course notes

(Primarily for students finishing incomplete projects.)

Section -10746- COMS 326-02, met at 1p.m.
Section -10748- COMS 326-01, met at 2p.m.

My instructional pages for this course are listed in the red and white menu on the left, in roughly the order we'll follow. A "Site Review Asmt" is due at mid-term. The "Final Project Asmt" is due during final exam week. Shorter exercises will be started in class, with deadlines announced based on that week's lab progress.

Have questions? Try to figure out coding problems on your own or with the help of classmates, but if you're stuck, just ask. I'll try to answer repeat questions in class and in this COMS 326 FAQ File, or by creating an additional demonstration page and posting it in the list on the left.

Course Overview | Books and Authors' Sites

Final week!

What next? Before I forget, here's a short PBS video I hope will inspire you to take some art department design classes along with whatever Web, print or broadcast production or advertising courses you have planned for the coming year or two.

And here's the Explore website where I found that video and other design links worth following. If you haven't tried the simple trick of embedding YouTube-hosted videos on your pages yet, do it with this one -- as a reminder to come back and watch during semester break, and to get inspired! In fact, every home page or portfolio site could use a "My plans for the future..." page, full of links to things that teach and inspire.

Related: Here's a discussion of fonts and typography, which I wish we'd had more time to explore. Also see these comparison tools, CSS typography tools and techniques.

Next-to-last week!

Nov 12-26 notes

Oct 26-November notes

Oct 12-22 notes

Sixth week's notes (entering October!)

Fifth week's notes (Sept. 24-28):

Fourth week's notes (Sept. 17-21):

Third week's notes (Sept. 10-14):

This is STYLE week: Explore CSS for centering pages, coloring things, changing fonts, and more. See Centering with CSS (also in the menu at the left). W3Schools has excellent demos.

Here's the simple CSS demo page I made in class on Wednesday.

Learn: A style sheet in the head section of your document can define the look of HTML tags or create new tags called "IDs" and "classes." Those style definitions can modify colors, fonts, backgrounds and the position of the boxes that make up your page. For demonstration of what CSS can do, CSSZenGarden.com is amazing.

A style definition marked with a period (.) is called a "class" -- something you can use many times by combining the class name with paragraph, headline or div tags. If you wanted a political page to have red-state and blue-state boxes, you could create classes called "redbox" and "bluebox" or "GOP" and "dems."

A style definition marked with a "#" is an "id" -- something you plan to use only once on a page -- such as a "wrapper" for the whole page or a major division within the page (header, footer, maincontent etc.); the names are up to you. Keep them short and clear.

An "id" tag has another benefit: You can create a hypertext link to it. My office address is in the bottom div of this page, which has an "id" name of "footer." That means I can use its # symbol and id name in an anchor tag to link to it, if I want to say Visit my office. Clicking it makes the page scroll to the bottom. The code for that link looks like this: <a href="#footer">Visit my office</a>

I also made a class called "alert" that turns text italic, bold and green. You can use a class with any block-style HTML tag (h1, h2, div, p) or with any span of words on a page. can you guess what the HTML tags to mark a span of words are?

Good guess: <span class="alert">This will be bold, italic and green</span>

Second week's notes (Sept. 5):

Special notice: Looking far ahead to your final project ("Make a website for an organization or group or..."), here's an idea. The Thursday Sept. 6 Volunteer and Service Fair might be a great place to find a "client" who needs help building a website. (Just make it clear to them that the site will demonstrate skills you are just learning, and that the project won't be completed until December.)

First week's notes:

That collection of notes is a rather long plain text file, partly to illustrate the difference between an HTML page and plain ".txt" text, including Bob's expanded history of the Internet, the Web, and your progress so far. The Felke-Morris textbook is still a good guide to the history, and its website chapter resources include many useful links.

Course overview

Welcome to my always-evolving website for COMS 326 Web Production, including links to assignment sheets, resource pages, and all of the "public" projects done in class and for homework. Think of this course as a "studio" in which we all learn from each other, help each other solve problems, and grow in our understanding of how the Web works, where it has been, and where it is going.

First, although "online publishing" is what we are about, there are good old-fashioned books assigned.

Because COMS 326 students' Web (and computer) experience and learning styles generally vary, I have ordered a variety of books, and will recommend dozens of tutorial and example sites online as we go along. I encourage you to try different tutorials and write about your experiences with them on your coms326 home page. What, you don't have a "coms326 home page"? You will soon!

Books and authors' pages:

Notice that "CSS" and "CS 5" are two different things that can look alike in some type fonts. "CSS" is an abbreviation for Cascading Style Sheets, one of the coding "languages" of the Web. "CS 5" is short for Adobe Creative Studio (version) Five, a commercial software product.

More about the books...

The Felke-Morris text is strong as a tutorial or reference book. It is structured like a full course on Web Design. Its focus is building pages from scratch without using a site editor like Dreamweaver or a content management system like WordPress. Depending on your final project decisions, you may be doing things all three ways, so her text provides a strong foundation with clear, well-illustrated examples.

The DeBolt/Adobe book about Dreamweaver is a good self-study course, building a sample site with Adobe's Web editing program. We will build enough of the sample site to understand Dreamweaver's basic tools.

Liz Castro's book is a classic that I like as a reference, organized into one-command-at-a-time tutorials. Familiarize yourself with its table of contents, appendices and index, and read the first three chapters to get an idea whether this book is "too advanced" or "too basic" for you.

Lynch & Horton's book is a great reference, well illustrated by the producers of major Web projects at Yale University. Their text is great for thinking about planning and organizing large team projects, or understanding issues like "universal usability" in design, planning site navigation, or learning about visual design, typography, graphics and writing style for the Web.

Williams & Tollett is not required, because the technical aspects of the book are a few years out of date. The basic visual design advice is still excellent, and I recommend it or Robin Williams other "non-designer" books if you want more about visual design. Fight the temptation to abbreviate this design-concept keyword list using first letters: contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity.

Along with the textbooks, we'll use a variety of online tutorials and reference pages, starting with Free tutorials at HTML.net, plus the Basic HTML pages at w3schools.com, and later the same site's CSS tutorial. Other favorites:

But the Web never stops changing, so part of this course will be about discovering new techniques, new tools and new ways to use your skills.

Because students usually know their way around Windows computers, but the class usually meets in a Macintosh lab, I've written some Mac Tips for newcomers and a page about setting up TextEdit on the Mac to edit plain text files. Apple has plenty of information online about Macintosh vs. Windows too. When the class meets in a Windows lab, I'll have tips about that, too.

I've also prepared an introduction to Unix approaches to computing.

We'll start out using simple text editors to learn your first dozen HTML tags "the old-fashioned way," along with reviewing some digital imaging techniques from COMS 226.

The first five or six weeks of learning Web-building tools will be reflected in a "website reviews" midterm project. The project will be a multi-page Web essay reviewing a group of sites focused on particular tools or techniques.

Approaching Hypertext

The Web itself is one of the best-documented topics on the Internet. Try a Google or Bing search for "HTML Tutorial" or "CSS Tutorial" to see what I mean. OK, not much compared to Lady Gaga's 429 million hits, which may have increased since the last time I looked, but still plenty of free help for Web builders.

As part of this course, we'll be using Google and a variety of directories, blogs, wikis and social networking sites to keep up with the latest Web tools and online services.

Depending on the semester, we get to use either big-screen iMacs or smaller-screen Windows PCs in the lab-classroom, but you should get familiar with as many kinds of computers as possible -- and a variety of software -- during the semester.

What is this class about? Making Web pages... and generally avoiding UGLY -- as discussed here a few years ago by Web celeb Ze Frank...

Creatively ugly or not, keep your work away from WebPagesThatSuck.com, a site that uses bad examples to preach clear, functional and attractive Web design. Thanks to Ze Frank and Vincent Flanders for sharing great advice in an entertaining way through their writing and webcasts.

As the course progresses, we'll address design questions that juggle concepts like "ugly," "creative," "usable" and "accessible." Terre Felke-Morris has a very nice "best practices checklist" in Chapter 4 of her book and online.

If the lessons seem too easy or move too fast, check my collection of hundreds of bookmarks at delicious.com. You can start at http://delicious.com/bstepno, or any of the categories shown in the menu at the left. You can retrieve bookmarks with keywords, such as this course number: http://delicious.com/bstepno/326. Notice that the first keyword, "326," is separated from my name with a slash. Any other keywords ("tutorials" and "html") can be added with plus signs, like this: http://delicious.com/bstepno/326+html+tutorials