Homework 1 Steps

  1. Find or install the GNAT Ada Compiler:

  2. Choose one of these IDEs:

  3. Create file hw1.adb, cut and paste the program (or type it in), and edit it to include your name, change the assignment statements, and fix the number formats and the if statement.

  4. Get (from RU IT One Stop), install, and run the RU VPN client

  5. Transfer your file to rucs, either by (1) using WinSCP or by (2) mapping your U: unix drive.
    1. Use WinSCP (Windows secure copy) (or scp from a mac terminal window) - VPN session must be running

    2. Map your U: Drive:

  6. Use putty (or a terminal window) to access rucs and compile and submit the file:
    1. Connect and log in to rucs (VPN connection required if off campus, and perhaps if you are on campus)
    2. If hw1.adb is in a subdirectory, use cd to navigate to that subdirectory
    3. Verify that your program works on rucs by compiling on rucs to create an executable and then running that executable:
    4.          gnatmake hw1
    5. Submit the .adb source program and then check that the submit worked:
    6.          submit itec320-01 hw1.adb
               submit itec320-01 -ls 
    7. The second submit should list the file that you submitted