Package: GNAT.Traceback


with System;


All x86 ports AiX PowerPC HP-UX Irix Solaris sparc Tru64 VxWorks PowerPC VxWorks Alpha


package GNAT.Traceback is
pragma Elaborate_Body;

Known child units


Type Summary


Other Items:

subtype Code_Loc is System.Address;
Code location used in building tracebacks

type Tracebacks_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Code_Loc;
Traceback array used to hold a generated traceback list.

procedure Call_Chain (Traceback : out Tracebacks_Array; Len : out Natural);
Store up to Traceback'Length tracebacks corresponding to the current call chain. The first entry stored corresponds to the deepest level of subprogram calls. Len shows the number of traceback entries stored. It will be equal to Traceback'Length unless the entire traceback is shorter, in which case positions in Traceback past the Len position are undefined on return.
end GNAT.Traceback;