Package: GNAT.HTable


This package contains two separate packages. The Simple_Htable package provides a very simple abstraction that asosicates one element to one key values and takes care of all allocation automatically using the heap. The Static_Htable package provides a more complex interface that allows complete control over allocation.


package GNAT.HTable is
pragma Preelaborate (HTable);


Other Items:

   type Header_Num is range <>;
   --  An integer type indicating the number and range of hash headers.

   type Element is private;
   --  The type of element to be stored

   No_Element : Element;
   --  The object that is returned by Get when no element has been set for
   --  a given key

   type Key is private;
   with function Hash  (F : Key)      return Header_Num;
   with function Equal (F1, F2 : Key) return Boolean;

package Simple_HTable is
A simple hash table abstraction, easy to instantiate, easy to use. The table associates one element to one key with the procedure Set. Get retrieves the Element stored for a given Key. The efficiency of retrieval is function of the size of the Table parameterized by Header_Num and the hashing function Hash.

Other Items:

procedure Set (K : Key; E : Element);
Associates an element with a given key. Overrides any previously associated element.

procedure Reset;
Removes and frees all elements in the table

function Get (K : Key) return Element;
Returns the Element associated with a key or No_Element if the given key has not associated element

procedure Remove (K : Key);
Removes the latest inserted element pointer associated with the given key if any, does nothing if none.

function Get_First return Element;
Returns No_Element if the Htable is empty, otherwise returns one non specified element. There is no guarantee that 2 calls to this function will return the same element.

function Get_Next return Element;
Returns a non-specified element that has not been returned by the same function since the last call to Get_First or No_Element if there is no such element. If there is no call to 'Set' in between Get_Next calls, all the elements of the Htable will be traversed.
end Simple_HTable;

   type Header_Num is range <>;
   --  An integer type indicating the number and range of hash headers.

   type Element (<>) is limited private;
   --  The type of element to be stored

   type Elmt_Ptr is private;
   --  The type used to reference an element (will usually be an access
   --  type, but could be some other form of type such as an integer type).

   Null_Ptr : Elmt_Ptr;
   --  The null value of the Elmt_Ptr type.

   with procedure Set_Next (E : Elmt_Ptr; Next : Elmt_Ptr);
   with function  Next     (E : Elmt_Ptr) return Elmt_Ptr;
   --  The type must provide an internal link for the sake of the
   --  staticness of the HTable.

   type Key is limited private;
   with function Get_Key (E : Elmt_Ptr) return Key;
   with function Hash    (F : Key)      return Header_Num;
   with function Equal   (F1, F2 : Key) return Boolean;

package Static_HTable is
+-------------------+ | Key | +-------------------+ : other data : +-------------------+ | Next Elmt | +-------------------+

Other Items:

procedure Reset;
Resets the hash table by setting all its elements to Null_Ptr. The effect is to clear the hash table so that it can be reused. For the most common case where Elmt_Ptr is an access type, and Null_Ptr is null, this is only needed if the same table is reused in a new context. If Elmt_Ptr is other than an access type, or Null_Ptr is other than null, then Reset must be called before the first use of the hash table.

procedure Set (E : Elmt_Ptr);
Insert the element pointer in the HTable

function Get (K : Key) return Elmt_Ptr;
Returns the latest inserted element pointer with the given Key or null if none.

procedure Remove (K : Key);
Removes the latest inserted element pointer associated with the given key if any, does nothing if none.

function Get_First return Elmt_Ptr;
Returns Null_Ptr if the Htable is empty, otherwise returns one non specified element. There is no guarantee that 2 calls to this function will return the same element.

function Get_Next return Elmt_Ptr;
Returns a non-specified element that has not been returned by the same function since the last call to Get_First or Null_Ptr if there is no such element or Get_First has bever been called. If there is no call to 'Set' in between Get_Next calls, all the elements of the Htable will be traversed.
end Static_HTable;

   type Header_Num is range <>;
function Hash (Key : String) return Header_Num;
end GNAT.HTable;