Package: GNAT.Directory_Operations


This package provides routines for manipulating directories. A directory can be treated as a file, using open and close routines, and a scanning routine is provided for iterating through the entries in a directory.


package GNAT.Directory_Operations is


Exception raised if the directory cannot be opened, read, closed, created or if it is not possible to change the current execution environment directory.

Type Summary

Dir_Type (limited type)
Primitive Operations:  Close, Is_Open, Open, Read

Constants and Named Numbers

Null_Dir : constant Dir_Type;
Represent the value for an uninitialized or closed directory.

Other Items:

subtype Dir_Name_Str is String;
A subtype used in this package to represent string values that are directory names. A directory name is a prefix for files that appear with in the directory. This means that for Unix systems, the string includes a final '/', and for DOS-like systems, it includes a final '\' character. It can also include drive letters if the operating system provides for this. The final '/' or '\' in a Dir_Name_Str is optional when passed as a procedure or function in parameter.

type Dir_Type is limited private;
A value used to reference a directory. Conceptually this value includes the identity of the directory, and a sequential position within it.

procedure Change_Dir (Dir_Name : Dir_Name_Str);
Changes the working directory of the current execution environment to the directory named by Dir_Name.

Raises Directory_Error if Dir_Name does not exist.

procedure Make_Dir (Dir_Name : Dir_Name_Str);
Create a new directory named Dir_Name.

Raises Directory_Error if Dir_Name cannot be created.

function Get_Current_Dir return Dir_Name_Str;
Returns the current working directory for the execution environment.

procedure Get_Current_Dir (Dir : out Dir_Name_Str; Last : out Natural);
Returns the current working directory for the execution environment. The name is returned in Dir_Name; Last is the index in Dir_Name such that Dir_Name (Last) is the last character written. If Dir_Name is too small for the directory name, the name will be truncated before beeing copied to Dir_Name.

procedure Open (Dir : out Dir_Type; Dir_Name : in Dir_Name_Str);
Opens the directory named by Dir_Name and returns a Dir_Type value that refers to this directory, and is positioned at the first entry.

Raises Directory_Error if Dir_Name cannot be accessed. In that case Dir will be set to Null_Dir.

procedure Close (Dir : in out Dir_Type);
Closes the directory stream refered to by Dir. After calling Close Is_Open will return False. Dir will be set to Null_Dir.

Raises Directory_Error if Dir has not be opened (Dir = Null_Dir).

function Is_Open (Dir : Dir_Type) return Boolean;
Returns True if Dir is open, or False otherwise.

procedure Read
  (Dir  : in out Dir_Type;
   Str  : out String;
   Last : out Natural);
Reads the next entry from the directory and sets Str to the name of that entry. Last is the index in Str such that Str (Last) is the last character written. Last is 0 when there is no more file in the directory. If Str is too small for the file name, the file name will be truncated before beeing copied to Str. The list of files returned includes directories in systems providing a hierarchical directory structure, including . (the current directory) and .. (the parent directory) in systems providing these entries. The directory is returned in target-OS form.

Raises Directory_Error if Dir has not be opened (Dir = Null_Dir).

function Read_Is_Thread_Safe return Boolean;
Indicates if procedure Read is thread safe. On systems where the target system supports this functionality, Read is thread safe, and this function returns True (e.g. this will be the case on any Unix or Unix-like system providing a correct implementation of the function readdir_r). If the system cannot provide a thread safe implementation of Read, then this function returns False.


   --  Implementation-defined ...
end GNAT.Directory_Operations;