Package: GNAT.Current_Exception


The routines in this package are associated with a particular exception handler, and can only be called from within an exception handler. See also the package GNAT.Most_Recent_Exception, which provides access to the most recently raised exception, and is not limited to static calls from an exception handler.


package GNAT.Current_Exception is
pragma Pure (Current_Exception);


Other Items:

function Exception_Information return String;
Returns the result of calling Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information with an argument that is the Exception_Occurrence corresponding to the current exception. Returns the null string if called from outside an exception handler.

function Exception_Message return String;
Returns the result of calling Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Message with an argument that is the Exception_Occurrence corresponding to the current exception. Returns the null string if called from outside an exception handler.

function Exception_Name return String;
Returns the result of calling Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Name with an argument that is the Exception_Occurrence corresponding to the current exception. Returns the null string if called from outside an exception handler.


   --  Implementation-defined ...
end GNAT.Current_Exception;