Package: GNAT.Case_Util


This package provides simple casing functions that do not require the overhead of the full casing tables found in Ada.Characters.Handling.


package GNAT.Case_Util is
pragma Pure (Case_Util);

Note: all the following functions handle the full Latin-1 set

Other Items:

function To_Upper (A : Character) return Character;
Converts A to upper case if it is a lower case letter, otherwise returns the input argument unchanged.

procedure To_Upper (A : in out String);
Folds all characters of string A to upper csae

function To_Lower (A : Character) return Character;
Converts A to lower case if it is an upper case letter, otherwise returns the input argument unchanged.

procedure To_Lower (A : in out String);
Folds all characters of string A to lower case

procedure To_Mixed (A : in out String);
Converts A to mixed case (i.e. lower case, except for initial character and any character after an underscore, which are converted to upper case.
end GNAT.Case_Util;