Package: GNAT.AWK


with Ada.Finalization;
with GNAT.Regpat;



G N A T . A W K

S p e c

$Revision: 1.10 $

Copyright (C) 2000 Ada Core Technologies, Inc.

GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.

GNAT is maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc (

This is an AWK-like unit. It provides an easy interface for parsing one or more files containing formatted data. The file can be viewed seen as a database where each record is a line and a field is a data element in this line. In this implementation an AWK record is a line. This means that a record cannot span multiple lines. The operating procedure is to read files line by line, with each line being presented to the user of the package. The interface provides services to access specific fields in the line. Thus it is possible to control actions takn on a line based on values of some fields. This can be achieved directly or by registering callbacks triggered on programmed conditions.

The state of an AWK run is recorded in an object of type session. The following is the procedure for using a session to control an AWK run:

1) Specify which session is to be used. It is possible to use the default session or to create a new one by declaring an object of type Session_Type. For example:

Computers : Session_Type;

2) Specify how to cut a line into fields. There are two modes: using character fields separators or column width. This is done by using Set_Fields_Separators or Set_Fields_Width. For example by:

AWK.Set_Field_Separators (";,", Computers);

or by using iterators' Separators parameter.

3) Specify which files to parse. This is done with Add_File/Add_Files services, or by using the iterators' Filename parameter. For example:

AWK.Add_File ("myfile.db", Computers);

4) Run the AWK session using one of the provided iterators.

Parse This is the most automated iterator. You can gain control on the session only by registering one or more callbacks (see Register).

Get_Line/End_Of_Data This is a manual iterator to be used with a loop. You have complete control on the session. You can use callbacks but this is not required.

For_Every_Line This provides a mixture of manual/automated iterator action.

Examples of these three approaches appear below

There is many ways to use this package. The following discussion shows three approaches, using the three iterator forms, to using this package. All examples will use the following file (computer.db):

Pluton;Windows-NT;Pentium III Mars;Linux;Pentium Pro Venus;Solaris;Sparc Saturn;OS/2;i486 Jupiter;MacOS;PPC

1) Using Parse iterator

Here the first step is to register some action associated to a pattern and then to call the Parse iterator (this is the simplest way to use this unit). The default session is used here. For example to output the second field (the OS) of computer "Saturn".

procedure Action is begin Put_Line (AWK.Field (2)); end Action;

begin AWK.Register (1, "Saturn", Action'Access); AWK.Parse (";", "computer.db");

2) Using the Get_Line/End_Of_Data iterator

Here you have full control. For example to do the same as above but using a specific session, you could write:

Computer_File : Session_Type;

begin AWK.Set_Current (Computer_File); AWK.Open (Separators => ";", Filename => "computer.db");

-- Display Saturn OS

while not AWK.End_Of_File loop AWK.Get_Line;

if AWK.Field (1) = "Saturn" then Put_Line (AWK.Field (2)); end if; end loop;

AWK.Close (Computer_File);

3) Using For_Every_Line iterator

In this case you use a provided iterator and you pass the procedure that must be called for each record. You could code the previous example could be coded as follows (using the iterator quick interface but without using the current session):

Computer_File : Session_Type;

procedure Action (Quit : in out Boolean) is begin if AWK.Field (1, Computer_File) = "Saturn" then Put_Line (AWK.Field (2, Computer_File)); end if; end Action;

procedure Look_For_Saturn is new AWK.For_Every_Line (Action);

begin Look_For_Saturn (Separators => ";", Filename => "computer.db", Session => Computer_File);

Integer_Text_IO.Put (Integer (AWK.NR (Session => Computer_File))); Put_Line (" line(s) have been processed.");

You can also use a regular expression for the pattern. Let us output the computer name for all computer for which the OS has a character O in its name.

Regexp : String := ".*O.*";

Matcher : Regpat.Pattern_Matcher := Regpat.Compile (Regexp);

procedure Action is begin Text_IO.Put_Line (AWK.Field (2)); end Action;

begin AWK.Register (2, Matcher, Action'Unrestricted_Access); AWK.Parse (";", "computer.db");


package GNAT.AWK is


Raised when it is not possible to convert a field value to a specific type.
Raised when an attempt is made to read beyond the end of the last file of a session.
Raised when accessing a field value which does not exist.
Raised when there is a file problem (see below).
Raised when a Session is reused but is not closed.

Type Summary

Count derived from Natural
Session_Type (limited type)
Primitive Operations:  Add_File, Add_Files, Close, Current_Session, Default_Session, End_Of_Data, End_Of_File, Field, Field, Field, File, FNR, Get_Line, NF, NR, Number_Of_Fields, Number_Of_File_Lines, Number_Of_Files, Number_Of_Lines, Open, Parse, Register, Register, Register, Register, Register, Set_Current, Set_Field_Separators, Set_Field_Widths, Set_FS

Constants and Named Numbers

Default_Separators : constant String := " " & Ascii.Ht;
Use_Current : constant String := "";
Value used when no separator or filename is specified in iterators.

Other Items:

type Count is new Natural;

type Widths_Set is array (Positive range <>) of Positive;
Used to store a set of columns widths.

type Session_Type is limited private;
This is the main exported type. A session is used to keep the state of a full AWK run. The state comprises a list of files, the current file, the number of line processed, the current line, the number of fields in the current line... A default session is provided (see Set_Current, Current_Session and Default_Session above).

procedure Set_Current (Session : Session_Type);
Set the session to be used by default. This file will be used when the Session parameter in following services is not specified.

function Current_Session return Session_Type;
Returns the session used by default by all services. This is the latest session specified by Set_Current service or the session provided by default with this implementation.

function Default_Session return Session_Type;
Returns the default session provided by this package. Note that this is the session return by Current_Session if Set_Current has not been used.

procedure Set_Field_Separators
  (Separators : String       := Default_Separators;
   Session    : Session_Type := Current_Session);
Set the field separators. Each character in the string is a field separator. When a line is read it will be split by field using the separators set here. Separators can be changed at any point and in this case the current line is split according to the new separators. In the special case that Separators is a space and a tabulation (Default_Separators), fields are separated by runs of spaces and/or tabs.

procedure Set_FS
  (Separators : String       := Default_Separators;
   Session    : Session_Type := Current_Session)
  renames Set_Field_Separators;
FS is the AWK abbreviation for above service.

procedure Set_Field_Widths
  (Field_Widths : Widths_Set;
   Session      : Session_Type := Current_Session);
This is another way to split a line by giving the length (in number of characters) of each field in a line. Field widths can be changed at any point and in this case the current line is split according to the new field lengths. A line split with this method must have a length equal or greater to the total of the field widths. All characters remaining on the line after the latest field are added to a new automatically created field.

procedure Add_File
  (Filename : String;
   Session  : Session_Type := Current_Session);
Add Filename to the list of file to be processed. There is no limit on the number of files that can be added. Files are processed in the order they have been added (i.e. the filename list is FIFO). If Filename does not exist or if it is not readable, File_Error is raised.

procedure Add_Files
  (Directory             : String;
   Filenames             : String;
   Number_Of_Files_Added : out Natural;
   Session               : Session_Type := Current_Session);
Add all files matching the regular expression Filenames in the specified directory to the list of file to be processed. There is no limit on the number of files that can be added. Each file is processed in the same order they have been added (i.e. the filename list is FIFO). The number of files (possibly 0) added is returned in Number_Of_Files_Added.

function Number_Of_Fields
  (Session : Session_Type := Current_Session)
   return    Count;
Returns the number of fields in the current record. It returns 0 when no file is being processed.

function NF
  (Session : Session_Type := Current_Session)
   return    Count
  renames Number_Of_Fields;
AWK abbreviation for above service.

function Number_Of_File_Lines
  (Session : Session_Type := Current_Session)
   return    Count;
Returns the current line number in the processed file. It returns 0 when no file is being processed.

function FNR
  (Session : Session_Type := Current_Session)
   return    Count renames Number_Of_File_Lines;
AWK abbreviation for above service.

function Number_Of_Lines
  (Session : Session_Type := Current_Session)
   return    Count;
Returns the number of line processed until now. This is equal to number of line in each already processed file plus FNR. It returns 0 when no file is being processed.

function NR
  (Session : Session_Type := Current_Session)
   return    Count
  renames Number_Of_Lines;
AWK abbreviation for above service.

function Number_Of_Files
  (Session : Session_Type := Current_Session)
   return    Natural;
Returns the number of files associated with Session. This is the total number of files added with Add_File and Add_Files services.

function File
  (Session : Session_Type := Current_Session)
   return    String;
Returns the name of the file being processed. It returns the empty string when no file is being processed.

function Field
  (Rank    : Count;
   Session : Session_Type := Current_Session)
   return    String;
Returns field number Rank value of the current record. If Rank = 0 it returns the current record (i.e. the line as read in the file). It raises Field_Error if Rank > NF or if Session is not open.

function Field
  (Rank    : Count;
   Session : Session_Type := Current_Session)
   return    Integer;
Returns field number Rank value of the current record as an integer. It raises Field_Error if Rank > NF or if Session is not open. It raises Data_Error if the field value cannot be converted to an integer.

function Field
  (Rank    : Count;
   Session : Session_Type := Current_Session)
   return    Float;
Returns field number Rank value of the current record as a float. It raises Field_Error if Rank > NF or if Session is not open. It raises Data_Error if the field value cannot be converted to a float.

   type Discrete is (<>);
function Discrete_Field
  (Rank    : Count;
   Session : Session_Type := Current_Session)
   return    Discrete;
Returns field number Rank value of the current record as a type Discrete. It raises Field_Error if Rank > NF. It raises Data_Error if the field value cannot be converted to type Discrete.

type Pattern_Callback is access function return Boolean;
AWK defines rules like "PATTERN { ACTION }". Which means that ACTION will be executed if PATTERN match. A pattern in this implementation can be a simple string (match function is equality), a regular expression, a function returning a boolean. An action is associated to a pattern using the Register services.

Each procedure Register will add a rule to the set of rules for the session. Rules are examined in the order they have been added.

This is a pattern function pointer. When it returns True the associated action will be called.

type Action_Callback is access procedure;
A simple action pointer

type Match_Action_Callback is
  access procedure (Matches : GNAT.Regpat.Match_Array);
An advanced action pointer used with a regular expression pattern. It returns an array of all the matches. See GNAT.Regpat for further information.

procedure Register
  (Field   : Count;
   Pattern : String;
   Action  : Action_Callback;
   Session : Session_Type := Current_Session);
Register an Action associated with a Pattern. The pattern here is a simple string that must match exactly the field number specified.

procedure Register
  (Field   : Count;
   Pattern : GNAT.Regpat.Pattern_Matcher;
   Action  : Action_Callback;
   Session : Session_Type := Current_Session);
Register an Action associated with a Pattern. The pattern here is a simple regular expression which must match the field number specified.

procedure Register
  (Field   : Count;
   Pattern : GNAT.Regpat.Pattern_Matcher;
   Action  : Match_Action_Callback;
   Session : Session_Type := Current_Session);
Same as above but it pass the set of matches to the action procedure. This is useful to analyse further why and where a regular expression did match.

procedure Register
  (Pattern : Pattern_Callback;
   Action  : Action_Callback;
   Session : Session_Type := Current_Session);
Register an Action associated with a Pattern. The pattern here is a function that must return a boolean. Action callback will be called if the pattern callback returns True and nothing will happen if it is False. This version is more general, the two other register services trigger an action based on the value of a single field only.

procedure Register
  (Action  : Action_Callback;
   Session : Session_Type := Current_Session);
Register an Action that will be called for every line. This is equivalent to a Pattern_Callback function always returning True.

procedure Parse
  (Separators : String := Use_Current;
   Filename   : String := Use_Current;
   Session    : Session_Type := Current_Session);
Launch the iterator, it will read every line in all specified session's files. Registered callbacks are then called if the associated pattern match. It is possible to specify a filename and a set of separators directly. This offer a quick way to parse a single file. These parameters will override those specified by Set_FS and Add_File. The Session will be opened and closed automatically. File_Error is raised if there is no file associated with Session, or if a file associated with Session is not longer readable. It raises Session_Error is Session is already open.

type Callback_Mode is (None, Only, Pass_Through);
Get_Line/End_Of_Data Iterator These mode are used for Get_Line/End_Of_Data and For_Every_Line iterators. The associated semantic is:

None callbacks are not active. This is the default mode for Get_Line/End_Of_Data and For_Every_Line iterators.

Only callbacks are active, if at least one pattern match, the associated action is called and this line will not be passed to the user. In the Get_Line case the next line will be read (if there is some line remaining), in the For_Every_Line case Action will not be called for this line.

Pass_Through callbacks are active, for patterns which match the associated action is called. Then the line is passed to the user. It means that Action procedure is called in the For_Every_Line case and that Get_Line returns with the current line active.

procedure Open
  (Separators : String := Use_Current;
   Filename   : String := Use_Current;
   Session    : Session_Type := Current_Session);
Open the first file and initialize the unit. This must be called once before using Get_Line. It is possible to specify a filename and a set of separators directly. This offer a quick way to parse a single file. These parameters will override those specified by Set_FS and Add_File. File_Error is raised if there is no file associated with Session, or if the first file associated with Session is no longer readable. It raises Session_Error is Session is already open.

procedure Get_Line
  (Callbacks : Callback_Mode := None;
   Session   : Session_Type  := Current_Session);
Read a line from the current input file. If the file index is at the end of the current input file (i.e. End_Of_File is True) then the following file is opened. If there is no more file to be processed, exception End_Error will be raised. File_Error will be raised if Open has not been called. Next call to Get_Line will return the following line in the file. By default the registered callbacks are not called by Get_Line, this can activated by setting Callbacks (see Callback_Mode description above). File_Error may be raised if a file associated with Session is not readable.

When Callbacks is not None, it is possible to exhaust all the lines of all the files associated with Session. In this case, File_Error is not raised.

This procedure can be used from a subprogram called by procedure Parse or by an instantiation of For_Every_Line (see below).

function End_Of_Data
  (Session : Session_Type := Current_Session)
   return    Boolean;
Returns True if there is no more data to be processed in Session. It means that the latest session's file is being processed and that there is no more data to be read in this file (End_Of_File is True).

function End_Of_File
  (Session : Session_Type := Current_Session)
   return    Boolean;
Returns True when there is no more data to be processed on the current session's file.

procedure Close (Session : Session_Type);
Release all associated data with Session. All memory allocated will be freed, the current file will be closed if needed, the callbacks will be unregistered. Close is convenient in reestablishing a session for new use. Get_Line is no longer usable (will raise File_Error) except after a successful call to Open, Parse or an instantiation of For_Every_Line.

   with procedure Action (Quit : in out Boolean);
procedure For_Every_Line
  (Separators : String := Use_Current;
   Filename   : String := Use_Current;
   Callbacks  : Callback_Mode := None;
   Session    : Session_Type := Current_Session);
This is another iterator. Action will be called for each new record. The iterator's termination can be controlled by setting Quit to True. It is by default set to False. It is possible to specify a filename and a set of separators directly. This offer a quick way to parse a single file. These parameters will override those specified by Set_FS and Add_File. By default the registered callbacks are not called by For_Every_Line, this can activated by setting Callbacks (see Callback_Mode description above). The Session will be opened and closed automatically. File_Error is raised if there is no file associated with Session. It raises Session_Error is Session is already open.


   --  Implementation-defined ...