Package: Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_Aux


This package contains the routines for Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO that are shared among separate instantiations of this package.


package Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_Aux is

Other Items:

procedure Get_Enum_Lit
  (File   : File_Type;
   Buf    : out String;
   Buflen : out Natural);
Reads an enumeration literal value from the file, folds to upper case, and stores the result in Buf, setting Buflen to the number of stored characters (Buf has a lower bound of 1). If more than Buflen characters are present in the literal, Data_Error is raised.

procedure Scan_Enum_Lit
  (From  : String;
   Start : out Natural;
   Stop  : out Natural);
Scans an enumeration literal at the start of From, skipping any leading spaces. Sets Start to the first character, Stop to the last character. Raises End_Error if no enumeration literal is found.

procedure Put
  (File  : File_Type;
   Item  : String;
   Width : Field;
   Set   : Type_Set);
Outputs the enumeration literal image stored in Item to the given File, using the given Width and Set parameters (Item is always in upper case).

procedure Puts
  (To    : out String;
   Item  : in String;
   Set   : Type_Set);
Stores the enumeration literal image stored in Item to the string To, padding with trailing spaces if necessary to fill To. Set is used to
end Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_Aux;