-- Print some memory addresses!

with Unchecked_Conversion;
with Unchecked_Deallocation;
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
procedure printmem is

    type IntPointer is access Integer;

    -- A modular type for 32 bit addresses!
    type AddressType is mod 2**32;

    -- A I/O package for addresses
    package Address_IO is new Text_IO.Modular_IO (Num => AddressType);
    use Address_IO;

    -- Output a string, an address, and a newline
    procedure put_line(s: String; a: AddressType) is begin put_line(s & a'img); end put_line;

    -- Convert from an IntPointer to an AddressType
    function Convert is new Unchecked_Conversion (
                Source => IntPointer,
                Target => AddressType);

    procedure Dispose is new Unchecked_Deallocation (
                Object => Integer,
                Name => IntPointer);

    a: AddressType;
    p, q, r: IntPointer;

    p := new Integer'(33);
    a := convert(p);
    put_line("address in p: ", a);

    q := new Integer'(44);
    put_line("address in q: ", convert(q));

    q := new Integer'(55);
    put_line("address in q: ", convert(q));

    q := new Integer'(55);
    put_line("address in q: ", convert(q));

    put_line("address in p: ", convert(p));      -- P should be 0 (ie null)

    r := new Integer'(55);
    put_line("address in r: ", convert(r));

end printmem;
-- address in p:  134539296
-- address in q:  134539312
-- address in q:  134539328
-- address in q:  134539344
-- address in p:  0
-- address in r:  134539296