ITEC 320 - Final Exam topics - Fall 2019

  1. Material
    1. Rough Percentages of material from each previous test:
    2. This breakdown of percentages does not include the complete program that you are to write.
    3. Material from (or very similar to) previous exams will be on the final.
    4. Pointers are covered heavily.

    5. Material from lectures and web pages
    6. From the text: chapters related to topics discussed in class

    7. Example programs
    8. Assignments

  2. Pointers
  3. Variant records [actually, these were on exam 2]
  4. Functionality oriented (ie procedural) programming (FOP)

  1. The following will not be on the Fall 2019 exam:
  2. Comparison with Java
  3. Define the term template as it relates to generic procedures and functions. [Generic in C++]

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