-- This program illustrates using a length to specify how many elements
-- of an array have been read in and thus how many to process
-- Precondition: Input consists only of MaxSize or fewer integers, separated by whitespace
with ada.text_io; use ada.text_io; 
with ada.integer_text_io; use ada.integer_text_io; 
procedure printsome  is 

    MaxSize: Constant Integer := 10;      -- Maximum size for the array

    -- The array type has space for MaxSize elements
    -- but some of them may not be used
    type IntArray is array (1 .. MaxSize) of Integer;

    -- Sums elements 1 .. count of array a
    -- Precondition: c is in the range 1 .. MaxSize
    function sumValues(a: IntArray; c: Natural) return Integer is
        result: Integer := 0;
        for i in 1 .. c loop
            result := result + a(i);
        end loop;
        return result;
    end sumValues;

    -- Prints elements 1 .. count of array a, and their squares
    -- Precondition: c is in the range 1 .. MaxSize
    procedure printValues(a: IntArray; c: Natural) is
        for i in 1 .. c loop
            put(a(i) ** 2);
        end loop;
    end printValues;

    count: Natural := 0;    -- The number of naturals that were read in
    myArray: IntArray;      -- Holds the naturals

    -- Fill the array by reading integers from standard input
    while not end_of_file loop
        count := count + 1;
    end loop;

    -- Print the first count values in the array, and their squares
    printValues(myArray, count);

    -- Print the sum of the first count values in the array
    put_line("Sum is " & Integer'image(sumValues(myArray, count)));

end printsome;