Links to Web Sites

600 Description | Requirements | Assignments | Assessment Criteria & Contracts | Syllabus

During the semester you will be required to contribute links to this page. To do so, participate in the Engl. 600 Bulletin Board by entering a message there with the exact URL address of the site you are submitting. Include a brief description of its contents, like the ones below, so we can add it to this list. Thanks.

Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment: a comprehensive web-site containing links to a wide variety of resources concerning literature and environmental studies.

The Crossroads Project: American Studies resources on the Web.

Film Studies Web Server: On-line resources accessing film databases and popular culture sites.

Medieval Source Book: Comprehensive web site containing a wealth of information on medieval history, culture and literature. Provides hot links to many other medieval web sites.

On-Line Research Tools in English and American Literature: Jack Lynch's comprehensive web site divided by classical and medieval literature, English and American national literatures, historical period, theory, cultural studies, women's studies, ethnic studies, theory. Contains Calls for Papers, listservs for various fields of interest, syllabi and course descriptions, and listings of electronic journals in various scholarly fields. A very useful "first search" tool.

Queer Resources Directory: extensive electronic resources directory for the study of sexual minorities.

Virginia Woolf Web: contains several links to web sites on Virginia Woolf, modernism, Bloomsbury, the International Virginia Woolf Society.

Voice of the Shuttle: a superb tool containing resources for humanities research on the Web. Includes links to sites on art, antrhopology, history, literature, legal studies, cultural studies, film, women's studies, queer studies, theory.

600 Description | Requirements | Assignments | Assessment Criteria & Contracts | Syllabus