ITEC Tutor/PI hours

Weekly open-tutoring hours (Da225)

The following people can help with any of ITEC {109,110,120,122,220}; they will have a sign at their computer identifying themselves.

agebhardtsbau Su    14:00-17:00
afigueroa3    Su    17:00-20:00

nnorman2      Mo    12:00-14:00
bzepp         Mo    15:00-16:00

smayhew3      Tu    10:00-11:00   Da114
bprice18      Tu    16:00-17:00

nnorman2      We    12:00-13:00
mseiler2      We    14:00-15:00
dsobanko      We    18:00-19:00   Da114

mvinci2       Th    13:00-14:00 
hhazeloff     Th    16:00-17:00

wkinard       Fr    09:00-10:00

dstout         TBA
ttevendale     TBA

If you are in 109/120/220, and are wondering who that friendly face in lab is, the peer instructors are:

ITEC109-01  MoWeFr   10:20-10:50 (Braffitt, Da114)   dsobanko@
ITEC109-02  MoWeFr   11:20-11:50 (Braffitt, Da114)   smayhew3@

ITEC120-01  TuTh 11:00-11:50 (Pittges)               bzepp@
ITEC120-02  WeFr 13:00-13:50 (Brenneman)             hhazelhoff@
ITEC120-03  TuTh 14:00-14:50 (Brenneman)             mvinci2@
ITEC120-03  TuTh 15:00-15:50 (Brenneman)             bprice18@

ITEC220-01  MoWe 09:00-09:50 (Chase)                 wkinard@
ITEC220-02  MoWe 10:00-10:50 (Chase)                 mseiler2@
In addition, the following peer tutors have office hours: afiguereoa3, agephardtsbau, dstout, nnorman2, ttevendale.