Spring 2013 Classes:

480, 430

Courses taught in the past: Pre-Calculus and Calculus Sequences:151, 252,126, 140,  Linear algebra (460) Advanced Calc. 431.


Be sure to get all your homework done as soon as possible after class as this will lead to better grades.


- Flash Movies: Chile 07, Chile 05, Korea 05.
- eJMT
- E-mail Me

-Math Applets.

Walker 203; Phone: (540) 831-5232


Topics in mathematics 480 Contract

Detailed Contract


Office: 203 Walker
Office Hours
: MWF 11-11:50, W: 1-1:50 pm.
E-mail: wyang@radford.edu;
URL: http://www.radford.edu/wyang

Final Exam Time: Check the schedule of Spring 2013.

Course Content:  It will be mainly from the articles published at the Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology (eJMT: http://ejmt.mathandtech.org).

Text: It will be from Dr. Yang's lecture notes.

Grading: The following grading scale will be used:
90-100 = A 80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
0-59 = F
Tests and Exam: This will be a project based course. Be sure to turn in the projects assigned in classe on time. Will accept no late assignments.

Honor System   All tests and the final must be pledged. The Honor Code will be strictly enforced in this course.

IMPORTANT: If you are not on the class roll that comes out after the last add date, immediately check your schedule at a terminal and start attending the proper section. For no foreseeable reason (computer and registrar personnel mistakes included) will you be allowed to stay in the wrong section or to drop a section for which you are actually enrolled after the last drop date. By simply attending a section you will not be placed on its roll.