
vim icon
# All About Vim 
# . . . 
#  Okay, all the Vimming we can do in 60-ish minutes!

    ###  What is Vim
        * Editor for creating and modifying text (eg programs) 
            * Provides many features for programmers: syntax coloring, access to compiler 
        *  Vim = Vi Improved   
            *  vi = visual in ex - BSD Unix - 1976 - Bill Joy  
                * ex was a popular unix editor (line oriented) 
            *  Vim 1.14  - 1991  - Bram Moollenaar 
            *  Vim 6 - 9/2001: Folding, plugins
            *  Vim 7 - 5/2006: Spell check, completion, tabs, undo branch
            *  Vim 8 - 9/2016: Asynch 
            *  Vim 8.1 - 5/2018: Terminal window

    ###  Why Vim
        * Fast: 
            * Fingers stay on keys: mouse not used 
            * Powerful commands, minimal keystrokes
                * Swap characters and lines: xp, ddp
                * Movement - mark, move, return: 0, $, ma, 1G, gg, 'a 
                *  cit: changes inside this tag) 
                *  da: ( deletes these parens and their contents) 
                * Column operations 
        * Ubiquitous: Available on many, many systems 
        * Use same environment for programming in any language
        * Highly configurable: 
            * Example: search for smartcase and Smartcase.  Again: smartcase Smartcase 
        * Extensible: scripting language built in, can also use perl, python, ruby
            * See scrollbar in statusline 
        *  Lots of Fun! 

# Getting Started with Vim 

## Installing, Running, Exiting, Vim Tutor

    ###  Installing Vim
        *  Installer from 
            * Probably already in Linux  distribution 
        *  Windows Tip: Choose option to add Edit with Vim to right mouse menu 
        *  Windows Tip: Choose option to add vim to path 

    ###  Running Vim
        *  Running GUI version from desktop: Press vim icon  
        *  Running GUI version from command line: gvim filename 
        *  Running console version from command line: vim filename 

    ## Important: How to Exit Vim"
        *  :[w]q[!]
        *  To exit and   abandon changes   :q! ENTER 
            * Or, :q ENTER if no changes to abandon 
        *  To exit and   save changes   :wq ENTER 
        *  May need to get out of input mode first by pressing Esc  

    ###  Learn on Your Own with Vim Tutor
        *  Vim tutor teaches basics, by editing the vim tutor file 
        *  Comes with vim 
        *  Run from command line or icon 
        *  Suggestion: Pick a few commands, learn more as needed
        *  Remember: Gets easier!! (Muscle memory and snowball!)

    ###  Commands in Vim Tutor
        *  hjkl, :q!, x, i, esc, A, wq 
            * [modes, status line, case sensitive, muscle memory] 
        *  de, dw, d$, d motion, count motion, d number motion, dd, u, U, ^r 
            *  Motion: w, e, $ 
        *  p, r, ce, cw, c$, c count motion, esc 
        *  ^G, G, gg, number G, /, ?, n, N, ^o, ^i, %, 
        *  :s/old/new/, :s/o/n/g, :#,#s/o/n/g, :%s/o/n/g, :%s/o/n/gc 
        *  :!, :!ls, :w fname, v move :w fname, :r fname, :r !ls 
        *  o, O, esc, a, R, v move y, yw 
        *  :set ic, hlsearch, incsearch, hls, is, noic, /foo\c 
        *  , :help, ^W^W, :q, vimrc, :anything^D,  

## Modes, Input, Replace, Undo

    ###  Modes
        *  Mode determines meaning of keys
        *  Vim uses   modes  : Most common are Normal and Input   
            *  Normal mode: Move around or change file  
                *  Example: typing G moves to bottom, x deletes a character 
            *  Input mode: typing enters text  
                *  Example: typing G and x enters those characters 
        *  Changing   modes   
            * i: regular mode to insert mode (or a, A, r, R, cw, cc, C, ...) 
            * Esc: insert mode to regular mode 
                 *   :imap kj    
        *  Comand mode: : vim command line.  Exit with esc or enter or ctrl-c  
        *  Visual mode: Mark and operate on chunks of text
# Beyond the Basics
## Commands for Movement
    ### Cursor Movement: Line, Character, Word
        * Character and line  (muscle memory)
            *  hl -  left and right one character
            *  jk -  up and down one line
        * Words 
            *  w   word forward (whitespace or punctuation delimited) 
            *  b   word backward  
            *  e   end of current or next word 

            *  W   WORD forward (whitespace delimited) 
            *  B   WORD backward  
            *  E   end of current or next word (whitespace delimited)

    ### Cursor Movement: To a Location
        * Line Locations  
            *  0   beginning of line 
            *  $   end of line 
        * File Locations 
            *  gg   Top 
            *  nG   line n 
            *  G    Bottom   
            *  n%   n percent of file 

    ### Screen, half-screen, line movement
            *  ^f   Screen Forward 
            *  ^b   Screen Forward 
            *  ^u   Half Screen Forward 
            *  ^d   Half Screen Forward 

            *  ^y   Screen Down
            *  ^e   Screen Up 

    ### Counts
        * Most movement commands allow a count 
        * Example: 3w moves 3 words forward  

    ###  Searching
        *  /string - search forward for string 
        *  ?string - searches backward for string 
        *  n   after a search, finds next occurrence (in same direction)
        *  N   after a search, finds previous occurrence (in opposite direction)

        *  f   find a character
        *  F   find a character (left)
        *  t   to a character
        *  T   to a character (left)
        *  ;   repeats f or t
        *  See smart case below  

## Input, Replace, Undo

    ### Input Commands
        *  These commands change to input mode, typically at the cursor or current line  
                 i   before current cursor location 
                 I   first non-blank character of the line 

                 a   after current cursor location 
                 A   end of line  

                 o   Open new line below  
                 O   Open new line above  

                 gI  Insert  at first character of the line 
                 gi  Insert at last input location 
        *  Input mode MOVES characters over 

    ### Replace Commands
        *  Replace mode OVERWRITE characters 
                 r  replace  character under  cursor, once 
                 R  start  Replacing  characters under  cursor 

   ### Undo, Redo, and Do Again
            *   u   undo 
            *  ^r   redo 
            *   U   undoes line to original state 
         *  . - do most recent change, again 
         *  :set undofile - Persistent undo
         *  Undo branch: Undo a change, make a new change.  
            * g-, g+ Undone changes become a branch (:help undo-tree) 

## Delete and Change Text
    ###  Delete Text
        *  x    Delete character 
        *  dw   Delete word 
        *  dd   Delete line  

        *  dj   Delete current line and line below
        *  dk   Delete current and line above 
        *  dh   Delete left  character 
        *  dl   Delete right character 

        *  de   Delete to end of word 
        *  db   Delete to back to beginning of word 
        *  d/foo - deletes up to foo 
        *  dfx  Delete to x
        *  dtx  Delete to x

        *  d0   Delete to beginning of line 
        *  d$   Delete to end of line
        *  D    Delete to end of line  
        *  dG   What does this do? (Careful - remember u for undo) 

    ###  Changing Text
        *  s       change current character
        *  cw      change word 
        *  cc      Change entire line  
        *  C       Change rest of  line  
        *  c/foo   changes up to foo 

        *  c$      change to end of line 
        *  c0      change to beginning of line 
        *  ce      change to end of word 
        *  cb      change to beginning of word 
        *  cfx     changes up to x 
        *  ctx     changes up to x 
    ###  Remember to use counts:
        *  3x - delete 3 characters 
        * d3w - Delete 3 words 
        * 3dw - Delete 3 words 
        * 3d5w - Delete 15 words 

        * c3w - change 3 words 
        * c3l - change next 3 lines 

## Cut and Paste

   ### Paste Deleted Text
      *  Items deleted (with x and d) go into (default) buffer 
      *  p puts buffer into file, AFTER  cursor or line
      *  P puts buffer into file, BEFORE cursor or line

      *  ddp - what does this do? 
      *  xp - what does this do? 

      *  Later see other buffers 
      *  Careful: ^x, ^c, ^v don't do cut and paste, by default 
         *  See later what they do 
         *  Can cut and paste as an option
   ### Copy (Yank) and Paste
      * y copies items into (default) buffer 
               *  yw MOVE p - copies and pastes a word 
               *  y3w MOVE p - copies and pastes 3 words 
               *  ypp - two copies of current line
      *  Y  copies a line 
               *  Y MOVE p - copies and pastes a line 
      *  yy also copies a line 

## Command Line Mode, Help, Set
    ###  Command Line Mode (aka ex mode)
        * Pressing : opens command line and starts command line mode 
        *  Enter command and press enter 
    ###  Common Commands
        *  :q and :wq 
        *  :pwd and :cd 
        *  :ha - :hardcopy - print 
            *  on rucs, must set printer, but how to set for unix lab? 
    ###  Abbreviations
        *  Most commands have abbreviations: 
            * :ha = :hardcopy 
        *  Can use TAB to expand and cycle through abbreviations 
    ###  :help
        * Search
        * :help - splits window and shows help
            *  Use :q to exit help (ie close split screen) 
            *  Use ^] and ^o to navigate on colored links 
        * :help - splits window and shows help
        * :help command - splits window and shows help for command
            *  Can use tab for completion 
        *  :help abbreviated :h 
    ###  Set
        *   Set - sets options 
        *     :set number 
        *     :set nonumber 
        *     :set ruler  - shows line and column numbers in status line
        *   Can use tab to expand options 
        *     :set - shows all set options 
        *     :set all - shows values of all option that can be set 

## Configuration: Vimrc

    ###  .vimrc
        *  .vimrc contains commands executed on starting vim 
        *  put .vimrc in Home Directory 
            * Find Home Directory with :echo $HOME 
        *  Can also be called _vimrc 
        *  Check location current vimrc with :echo $MYVIMRC 
        *  Edit current vimrc with :vi $MYVIMRC 

    ###  Most Important Commands for Vimrc
        *  :syntax enable       " enable syntax coloring 
        *  :filetype indent on  " enable specific indentation 
        *  :filetype plugin on  " enable specific plugins 
        *  :set ruler           " line and col nums in status line 
        *  :set ai              " automatic indentation 
        *  :set ignorecase      " ignore case in search 
        *  :set smartcase       " use case if specified 
        *  :set backspace=2     " make backspace better 
        *   : is optional in vimrc 
# Vim for Programmers 

    ### More Vimrc Commands
        *  :noremap ; : " Non recursive map of ; to : 
        *  :noremap q; q: " Opens command window 
        *  :inoremap jk  <esc> " Use jk instead of escape!??!
        *  :set history=50     " number of commands to remember 
        *  :set nobackup       " backup files are useful, but they create clutter 
        *  :set expandtab      " expand tabs - replace tabs with spaces 
        *  :set tabstop=4      " display any tabs as 4 chars 
        *  :set shiftwidth=4   " How much to indent on shift, also backspace 4 chars 
        *  :set smarttab       " Enters shiftwidth spaces at line start when tab entered 
        *  :set softtabstop=0  " ??  
        *  :set shiftround     " indents are rounded to multiples of shiftwidth 

    ### Tabbed Editing *   :tabe filename - opens a new tab
        *   :tabs - list tabs
        *   gt - move to next tab
        *   gT - move to previous tab
        *   ngt - move to tab n
        *   tabm 0 - go to tab 1n
        *   tabm   - move to last tab
        *   tabm n - move to tab n

        *   works in terminal 
        *   vim -p first.adb second.adb - opens first.adb and second.and in 2 tabs

    ### Query Things
        *  :set                " query set options
        *  :set all            " query all options
        *  :set fileformat     " query filetype
        *  :set filetype       " query filetype
        *  :verbose set ft     " where was filetype set
        *  :set ff=unix        " set fileformat
        *  :options 

        *  :map 
        *  :abbrev 
        *  :scriptnames 
        *  :function 
        *  :command 
        k  :marks 
        *  :changes 

## Split Windows
       *   :split filename
       *   :vsplit filename
       *   Movement between windows: ^W then hjkl
       *   Can rearrange windows
       *   Exit with :q
### Command History Window  
        *   q: 
        *   To save a keystroke: use :map q; q: 
        *   Completion with ctrl-X ctrl-P 
        *   Bring line down with ctrl-C 
        *   Exit with :quit OR : OR  ctrl-C ctrl-C 
        *   Set history for number of lines saved 

### Search History Window  
        *   q/ 
        *   To save a keystroke, use :map q; q: 
        *   Completion with ctrl-X ctrl-P 
        *   Bring line down with ctrl-C 
        *   Exit with :quit OR : OR  ctrl-C ctrl-C 

## Plugins  for Programmers
        *  Install plugins to configure vim 
        *  Files in plugin directories are loaded on startup
        *  Loads from system and user plugin directories
        *  To install in user plugin, simply drop .vim file in respective folders there
            * Plugins pathogen and vundle provide automatic installation of plugins 
   ### Directory Explorer (NERD Tree plugin)
        *  Edit a directory
        *  :tabe .
        *  o opens and leaves explorer
        *  i opens in a h split
        *  s opens in a v split

   ### User Plugins
      *Your Plugin directory: $HOME\vimfiles\plugin
         * Alternate location: If this does not work on rucs, try $HOME/.vim 
         *  Look for local plugin locations in :set runtimepath  
      *  Try: :split $HOME/vimfiles/plugin
      *  Find plugins on
      *  Some useful plugins:
         *  supertab - Enables keyword completion 
         *  nerdtree - Directory browser in split window (or VTreeExplorer
         *  taglist 
         *  command-t - like textmake snippits 

         *  jad  - Edit a compressed file (current?/default?) 
         *  calendar - Open a calendar 

    ### Filetype Plugins
        *Loaded based on the type of file that is being edited
        *  Stored in folder ~/vimfiles/ftplugin 
        *  System provides some; can add more 

   ### User Filetype Plugins
         *  Your Plugin directory: $HOME\vimfiles\ftplugin
         *  Preserved on update
         *  Try: :split $HOME\vimfiles\ftplugin
         *  Put commands in language.vim (eg java.vim, ada.vim)
         *  Can put newlines in definitions (with \ at end of line, I think)

   ### Example User Filetype Plugin: java.vim

    ab pc public class <CR>{<CR><CR>}<UP><up><up><END><left>
    ab psvm public static void main(String[] args)<CR>{<CR><CR>}<UP><TAB><TAB>
    ab sop System.out.println();<LEFT><LEFT>
    ab fori for (int i = 0; i < X; i++)<CR>{<CR><CR>}<UP><TAB><TAB>

    set makeprg=javac\ % 

        *  Put java.vim in ftplugin 

   ### Example User Filetype Plugin: ada.vim

      ab fori for i in 1 .. 1 loop end loop;
      ab ati ada.text_io; use ada.text_io; 
      ab afti ada.float_text_io; use ada.float_text_io; 
      ab aiti ada.integer_text_io; use ada.integer_text_io; 
      ab proc procedure foo is beginend foo;

      autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.ad* set makeprg=gnatmake\ %
        *  Put ada.vim in ftplugin 
        *  Auto command needed because of default ada configuration does not allow setting 
            makeprg in the user ftplugin/ada.vim
   ### Autocmd
         *  Specify commands to occur on various events 

   ### Quickfix window
         *:make - compile with makeprg
         *:cc - go to current error
         *:cn - go to next error
         *:cp - go to prev error
         *:cope - open quickfix window

   ### Make program for Ada, C, Java
         *   Java: set makeprg=javac\ % 
         *   Ada: set makeprg=gnatmake\ % 
         *   C: set makeprg=gcc\ -o\ %:r\ % 
         *   % is a special register with the file name 
               :r removes the suffix 

    ###  Templates
        *  Can create template files to open automatically 
        *  Create templates/java, for example 

## Editing for Programmers (and More Advanced Commands)

   ### Shift and Indent
      *  << - Shift current line left 
      *  >> - Shift current line right 
      *  == - indent current line 

   ### Visual Commands
      *  Highlight text 
      *  Then operate on it 
      *  Three highlighting commands: v, V, ^v 

   ### Three kinds of highlighted areas
      *  Character - v
      *  Line - V
      *  Block - ^v

   ### Commands on Visual Areas
      *  d and x - delete
      *  c   change area
      *  C   change area lines
      *  rx   replace each character in area with character x
      *  R   replace all lines of area
      *  < > = - shift lines left, right, or indent

   ### Commands on Visual Blocks
      *  I   Insert at beginning of block on all lines
      *  A   Insert at end of block on all lines [use $ to mark end of line]
      *  c   Change block on all lines
      *  C   Change from beginning of block to end of line on all lines
      *  :s  Substitute

   ### Other Visual Commands
      *  gv   rehighlight area
      *  o   go to beginning/end of area
      *  O   go to beginning/end of line of block
      *  v, V, ^v   change visual mode

   ### Text Objects
      *   Can change and delete text objects
      *   Example: di( - delete an inner () block
      *   Examples: ca( - change a ) block
      *   Example line to operate on: procedure foo(p: param1) is.
      *   Other objects: [ { < ' "

   ### More Text Objects
      *   Tag objects: cit - change inner tag
      *   Example line to operate on:    a list item   .
      *   Words - w W
      *   Paragraph and sentence: p s (what is a paragraph?)

   ### Screen Movement
      *   ctrl-y - Screen down one line, cursor moves with screen
      *   ctrl-e - Screen up one line, cursor moves with screen
      *   ctrl-u - Screen backward one screen
      *   ctrl-d - Screen forward one screen

   ### Cursor Movement
      *   HML - High, Middle, Low on screen
      *   zt - Move cursor line to top of screen
      *   zz - Move cursor line to middle of screen
      *   zb - Move cursor line to bottom of screen

   ### Mark Movement 
      *   ma -  mark current location with mark a
      *   'a -  go to mark a
      *   can use any letter
      *   '' -  return to previous location  (two single quotes)

   ### Jump Movement
      *   ctrl-o - go to older location on jump list
      *   ctrl-i - go to newer location on jump list

   ### Searching
      *   /pattern - forward search for pattern
      *   ?pattern - backward search for pattern
      *   n - repeat previous search
      *   N - repeat previous search, in reverse
      *  * - searches for next occurrence of word under cursor 
      *  # - searches for previous occurrence of word under cursor 

   ### Search Options
      *   smart case: ignore case unless used
      *   Example: Word word word Word word (try /word and /Word from column 1)
      *   :set hlsearch - turn on search highlight
      *     wrapscan - search around EOF  

   ### Advanced Searching
      *   /pat/e - go to end of located string
      *   /pat/b+1 - go to second character of located string
      *   /pat/e-1 - go to next to last character of located string
      *   /pat/e+1 - go to character after located string
      *   /pat/-2 - go to 2 lines above located string
      */pat/+2 - go to 2 lines below located string

   ### Substitute Command - Substitute one string for another 
      *   :s/old/new - default: operate on current line
      *   :s/old/new/g - all occurrences on line
      *   :s/old/new/c - with confirm
      *   :%s/old/new/gc - all occurrences in file, with confirm
      *   Can operate on visual area (see below)

   ### Regular Expressions
      *   ^ beginningg of line
      *   $ end of line
      *   . matches any letter
      *    * matches multiple of previous item
      *   MANY more options :help regexp

      ###  %, *, #
         *  Matches braces 
         *  Plugin matchit does same for if end if, etc 
         *  * looks forward for word under cursor 
         *  # looks backward for word under cursor 
         *  Can continue both with n and N 

      ###  gd, gD
         *  gd - go to local definition 
         *  gD - go to global definition 
         *  Both look for first use of term under cursor 
         *  gd looks locally in {}, gD globally, in file 

   ### What happend to my paste??
      *   Sometimes a cut and paste does too much indenting
      *   :set paste
      *   then do the paste
      *   :set nopaste

   ### Control commands in input mode - Advanced
      *   ctrl-t shift right (ie tab) line
      *   ctrl-d shift left (ie untab) line
      *   ctrl-y insert character from line above
      *   ctrl-e insert character from line below

   ### Folds 
      *  Can fold and unfold lines of text 
      *  Two operations: 
         *  Create fold 
         *  Close (and open) fold 

   ### Creating, Opening, and Closing Folds 
      *   zf - creates fold from visual area and closes it
      *   zo - open fold at cursor
      *   zc - close fold at cursor
      *   :set foldmethod={manual, indent, marker, ...}

   ### Registers 
      *  can delete and yank into registers and put from registers
            * Denote registers using " and a letter
            * Examples - "aY   "bdw  "ap  "bp - replace register
            * Examples - "AY   "Bdw  "Ap  "Bp - append to register
      *  "" is the unnamed register
            * it contains text from most recent delete or yank
      *  numbered registers contain previous values of "" (see help)
      *  "% contains file name
      *  ": contains most recent command line command
      *  "/ contains most recent search
      *  "*, "+, "~ contain clipboards in gui
      *  :registers lists registers and their contents

   ### Jump movement - CTRL-O, CTRL-I  {{{2
      * Jumps are movements in the file caused by commands such as
         ', `, G, /, ?, n, N, %, (, ), [[, ]], {, }, :s, :tag, L, M, H
      * Vim keeps a jumplist - a list of destinations of each jump command
      * :ju[mplist] - displays the jumplist
      * ^I and ^O traverse the jumplist

   ### Insert mode commands 
      * ^T, ^D: indent and unindent 
      * 0^D: unindent to beginning of line
      * ^A: Insert previously inserted text
      * ^@: Insert previously inserted text and stop input
      * ^D: Delete word in front of cursor
      * ^E, ^Y: copy character from line below, above cursor
      * ^R=mathExpr: Enter results of math computation
      * ^V^X enter control character ^X

    ###  Net Read/Write
        *  Open files across network 
        *  vi 
        *  vi scp://v...@137.../vimdemo.txt 
    ###  :terminal
        *  Version 8.1 
        *  Not on rucs (yet)

## Resources

###  Books

    * books page 
    *  Practical Vim  - Recommended (Second edition is forthcoming) 
    *  Some good online books are available, but I don't have links handy 
Learning the vi and vim Editors RU Library Electronic Resources (7th Editions)  
    Learning the vi and vim Editors  (7th Edition) from Amazon
    *  Vi Improved (Vim)
    * Hacking Vim

###  Online References and Other Stuff

    * The main vim page 
    *  My Reference Page (lots of commands, operators, motion, objects) 
    *  Other cool things: 
        *  Vimperator 
        *  shell vi key bindings put bindkey -v   in .cshrc, set -o vi in bash?  
    *  A nice intro 

    *  Dr. Chip's Vim Page has lots of nice stuff 
    *  User Manual and other documentation is 
    *  From within vim, get User Manual with :h user-manual 
    *  From within vim, get Quick Reference with :h quickref , or do a search for vim quickref
    *  Search engine - duckduckgo
    *   Wikipedia 
    *  Some reference pages: 
        *   More Vim Documentation 
        *   Reference card 
        *  Learning Vim 
        *  A nice keyboard reference page 
        *  A very complete
            reference (VIM Reference Card 3.0) 
        *  Quick Reference Page 0 
        *  Quick Reference Page 1 
        *  Quick Reference Page 2 
        *  Quick Reference Page 3