Part 1: Automata and Languages

Chapter 1: Regular Languages

ITEC 420 - Section 1.4 - Non-Regular Languages

Regular Expressions

Pumping Lemma: Purpose

Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages: Introduction

Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages: Theorem 1.70

Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages: In Different Words

Negating the Pumping Lemma Conditions

Pumping Lemma Conditions: What they mean

  1. s can be divided in 3 substrings, x, y, z

  2. for each i ≥ 0, xyizA: pumping the loop produces strings that are in the language

  3. |y| > 0: the pumped section is not empty (ie, if y = ε, then the Lemma is meaningless))

  4. |xy| ≤ p: a loop must appear within the first p states in a computation

Pumping Lemma: Proof

Using the Pumping Lemma to show a language is Non-Regular

Pumping Lemma Examples

Pumping Lemma Example: 0 n1 n

The Pumping Lemma Game

Pumping Lemma Example 2: equal number of 0's and 1's

Pumping Lemma Example 3: ww

Pumping Lemma Example 4: 1n for square n

Pumping Lemma Example 5: 0i1j with i > j

Pumping Lemma Example 5a: 0i1j with i < j

Pumping Lemma Example 6: number of 0's < number of 1's

Pumping Lemma Example 7: (01)n0k, n>k

Pumping Lemma Logic

Pumping Lemma Logic Summary

A Language with Pumpable Strings that is NOT Regular

Parting Thought

Parting Thought Two

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