Procedures and Functions

Procedures and Functions: Key Ideas

Key Ideas

Procedures and Functions, and Scope

Nesting Procedures and Functions

What's in a Name

Java Methods

Java Methods

Java has 2 kinds of methods. What are they and how are they used?
  1. void - return type is void (ie no return type )
  2.               void printSquare(int i)
  3. non-void - return type is non-void (eg int)
  4.               int square(int i)
                     return i * i);

Ada Equivalents

  1. Procedure - like void method
  2.          procedure printSquare(i: Integer) is
                put(i * i);
             end printSquare;
  3. Function - like non-void method
  4.          function square(i: Integer) return Natural is
                return i * i;
             end square;

Statements and Values

  1. Procedure calls are statements, functions calls are values

  2. Procedure call = a statement
  3.          procedure printSquare(i: Integer) is
                put(i * i);
             end printSquare;
             j := j + 1;
  4. Function call = a value
  5.          function square(i: Integer) return Natural is
                return i * i;
             end square;
             int j = 5;
             put(square(j) + 1);

Order of Declarations: Define Before Use


Local and Global Variables

Global Variables

Java Locals and Globals

Functions and Strong Typing

Function Calls as Arguments

Expression Functions

Terminology Revisited

Parameter Modes

Question: How Does Get Work? Answer: Modes

Parameter Modes - Syntax

Parameters Modes Specify Information Flow

Example with In Mode and Out Mode

Example with In Out Mode Parameters

Modes: Copy In, Copy Out

Conceptually, we can think of the modes as follows: Actual implementation may or may not involve copying.

In Mode Parameters are Constants

Parameter Modes Improve Error Detection

Why Parameter Modes

Parameter Modes and Java

What Modes are Not: Implementation Mechanism

Procedure vs Function

Functions are Values; Procedures are Statements

Java and C Can Ignore Expression Results

Procedures or Functions: Which to use

Recursive Routines

Recursive Routines

Mutually Recursive Routines

Mutually Recursive Routines - Problem solved

Mutually Recursive Routines - Realistic Example

More on Globals

Global Variables - Why Not?

Problems with globals (Yannick Moy, Adacore) David Parnas - Module design: Maximize cohesion, minimize coupling Phillip Koopman, CMU: "Global Variables Are Evil!"

Global Variables - Why Not?

Modes Help Debugging, if no Global Variables

Uninitialized Variables

WARNING: Unitialized Variables