Language Design, Syntax, and Reliable Programming

Language Design

With and Use


Problems with Block Comments

  1. Consider this:
        /* x = 3;           * /
        y = 4;         
        /* z = 5; */
  2. Did you catch the error above? Now consider this:
        /* Startup
        x = 3;     
        /* Reset count  */
        count = 2 * x;
  3. Or this (from SPARK/MISRA C books):
  4.          /*
          /* ++a; */
          // ++a; */
  5. And this:
        /* x = 3;      
        y = 4;         
        /* Come back and think about z's value
         * z = 5; 
  6. This C code ...
        int i = 98;
        int * p = & i;  /* pointer p points to i */
        i = i / *p;         
        i = /* say something about the expression here */
        printf("%d\n", i); /* result is -4 */
  7. ... gives different results from this C code:
        int i = 98;
        int * p = & i; 
        i = i /*p;          -- Starts a comment!!!
        i = /* say something about the expression here */
        printf("%d\n", i); /* result is 94 */
  8. Different results in C and C++ (from Stroustrup):
        int b = a//* divide by 4 */4;
  9. Is nesting allowed?

  10. You don't need to know C to see that lots of problems can arise!
  11. Some examples from Van Tassel, 2004 web paper

Range Constraints and Subtypes

New Numeric Types

Pre and Post Conditions

Numeric Literals

Ada Literals

For Loop Statement

Case Statement - Multiway Selection

Some Java Code

Function vs Procedure

What About This?

Keyword Parameters

Enumerated Types

Don't Do This