ITEC 320: Homework 1

ITEC 320: Homework 1

Due Date: 11:59:59 p.m. Monday 1/27/2020

Submit Command: submit itec320-01 hello.adb

Submit Command: submit itec320-01 hw0.adb

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  1. No updates at this time.

Your assignment has several steps:
  1. Install the gnat compiler
  2. Choose an IDE for file creation and compilation
  3. Use an IDE and/or the command line to create and compile the file hello.adb
  4. Get VPN
  5. Mount your U: drive and transfer (ie copy) your file to your U: drive (or use winscp)
  6. Use putty (or a terminal window and ssh) to connect to rucs
  7. Compile your program on rucs
  8. Submit the file from rucs (and check the submission)
  9. Check the submission

More detail on the steps is given below. Once you have completed the assignment, please help someone else.

You must submit from rucs. You can create hello.adb on rucs or you can create it on your personal machine and then copy it to rucs. In either case, you should master the process of creating a file on your personal machine and transferring it to rucs, and you should also do a test compile of the file on rucs before submitting it.

Follow the steps below. Some of you may want to start with step 4 so that we don't overload the adacore server

  1. GNAT - install from
  2. Choose environment (or try several)
  3. Create, compile, and run hello.adb
  4.          with ada.text_io; use ada.text_io;
             procedure hello is
             end hello;
  5. VPN - download from RU IT Onestop

  6. Mount U drive and copy file to rucs (or copy with winscp or bitvise without directly mounting U drive):

  7. Log in to rucs using putty or terminal window and verify that your home directory is correct.
  8. Compile and test run on rucs
  9.          gnatmake hello 
  10. Submit from rucs. The first time you use submit you will enter your name when prompted.
  11.          submit itec320-01 hello.adb 
  12. Check that the submit command worked. The command below should show hello.adb as having been submitted.
  13.          submit itec320-01 -ls