Ada Language Fundamentals

Example 0: sayhi.adb

   -- Simple Ada program
   --   in file sayhi.adb

   with Ada.Text_IO;

   procedure sayHi is
      Ada.Text_IO.put("Hi!");    -- Output some text!
   end sayHi;

Program Structure


Program Structure

Package Ada.Text_IO

With Statement

Use Statement

Identifiers and Case Sensitivity


Example 1: Table of Squares and Cubes

Assignment Statement

Assignment in Java and C


         with ada.integer_text_io;
         procedure initialize is
            data1: Integer;
         end initialize;


For Loop Statement

Three Kinds of Loops

Loop and a Half

Named Loops

If Statements

Case Statement - Multiway Selection

Case Statement - Multiple-Value Selection

      -- Ada:
      case i is 
         when 4|3 => put_line("****");
         when 2|1 => put_line("**");
         when others => null;
      end case;

      // Java 
      switch (i){
        case 4: 
        case 3: System.out.println("****"); break;
        case 2:
        case 1: System.out.println("**"); break;
        default: ;
        } // End of break

Common Java Errors Avoided

Example Program

Integer'Image - An Attribute of type Integer

Package Ada.Integer_Text_IO

Integer Types

Floating Point Types

Package Ada.Float_Text_IO

Primitive Types

Types and Type Checking

Explicit Type Conversion

Implicit and Explicit Type Conversion

Operators: Precedence and Associativity

Examples using Arithmetic Operators

Rem and Mod Operators

Examples using Relational and Boolean Operators

Example using String Concatenation Operator

        put_line("Hello, this certainly is a "
                & "really long line!");

Short Circuit: and then, or else

in Membership Test

        if i in 1 .. 10 then